  • 學位論文

台東鸞山地區台灣穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)活動範圍與洞穴利用之研究

Home Range and Burrow Utilization in Formosan Pangolins(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla)at Luanshan, Taitung

指導教授 : 裴家騏


本研究利用無線電追蹤、棲地調查與穿越線調查來了解台灣穿山甲的洞穴生態及利用的行為,以及活動範圍的分布。研究期間總共追蹤了6隻雌性個體與1隻雄性個體(LM1),總共獲得307次穿山甲居住資訊與314個無線電追蹤定位點。結果顯示雌性的活動範圍在14.3–30.3ha(MCP)之間,或15.9–19.6ha(FK 90%),而雄性LM1為96.0ha(MCP)或66.6ha(FK 90%)。雌性個體之間的活動範圍有高度的重疊,且該雄性個體LM1的活動範圍內至少已確定有8隻雌性穿山甲。穿山甲的濕季活動範圍大於乾季,濕季的活動範圍佔全年活動範圍的82%–96%。 研究區域的棲地依照地景植被的人為干擾程度分為中度人為干擾與低度人為干擾兩個類型區域,研究區域裡棲地破碎化嚴重,兩類型棲地分布彼此鑲嵌。棲地利用的研究顯示穿山甲的核心活動範圍(FK 50%)的棲地利用比例與研究區域的棲地比例極為接近,定位點位的棲地分布比例也顯示穿山甲的活動皆沒有偏好於哪一類棲地。 穿山甲洞穴利用的研究結果顯示濕季時洞穴利用天數顯著少於乾季,雌性穿山甲濕季平均每次洞穴利用天數為1.5天,乾季為3.0天;雄性LM1濕季值為1.3天,乾季為2.7天。雌性穿山甲在產後的育幼期則明顯增加了每次的洞穴利用天數(平均9.7天)。單隻雌性穿山甲的利用洞穴總數量推估在29.4–39.6個洞穴之間,雄性LM1則推估為72.5–83.3個洞。 穿越帶的調查結果顯示平均穿山甲洞穴密度為110.8個/ha,兩棲地類型內的洞穴密度沒有偏離1:1,但穿山甲的居住洞穴卻顯著的偏好於低度人為干擾的區域。 洞穴的形質測量顯示,洞穴平均直徑為16.9±3.7;平均棲地坡度在32.3±15.6°。穿山甲的居住型洞穴長度為201.6±94.8cm(n=75),雌雄間沒有顯著差異,長度測量值最小為60cm,最大為505cm。在乾季明顯有新挖掘的洞穴出現,這些新挖洞穴的平均長度為120.1±69.5且極顯著小於居住洞穴的長度平均值,新挖洞穴內多有白蟻窩(30/35)的紀錄,部分新挖洞穴還有被洞口回填的現象,推測穿山甲新挖洞穴應該是覓食行為所留下的結果。穿山甲覓食的模式推測可能是以類似遊牧的方式到處覓食蟻類,且覓食的環境具有高度的多樣性。


The present research studied the utilization of burrows, and home ranges of Formosa pangolins(Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) in Taiwan using the methods combined with the telemetry tracking, habitat investigation and the transect line investigation. 6 females and 1 male individuals (LM1) were tracked during the study period (May 2009–November 2010), which collected information on a total of 307 of pangolin resting burrows and 314 telemetry tracking location. The result showed that the home range of Formosa pangolins was about 14.3-30.3ha (MCP) or 15.9-19.6ha (FK 90%) to females, while 96.0ha (MCP) or 66.6ha (FK 90%) to male LM1. A phenomenon of highly overlap in home ranges was found among females, and at least 8 females were recorded in the male LM1’s home range. Formosa pangolins have larger home range in wet season than in dry season, and the former covered 82-96% of the area of the total home range. The habitats in present study were divided into medium- and low-disturbed habitats based on the degree of the interference to the environment by human beings. However, seriously fragmentation appeared in the study area, and the two types of the habitats were inlaid to each other. Result showed that there was no preference to the two types of habitats for the Formosa pangolin. The result of burrow utilization showed there were fewer days that a burrows was used consecutively by Formosa pangolins in wet season than in dry season. The female utilized a burrow in an average of 1.5 days in wet season, and an average of 3.0 days in dry season, whereas the male LM1 was 1.3 days in wet season, and 2.7 days in dry season. Nevertheless, the females will increase the length of using the same burrow during the nourish phase (9.7 days in average). The total number of the burrow used by one female was estimated to be 29.4-39.6, and 72.5–83.3 burrows for male LM1. The result of the transect line showed the density of burrows created by the pangolin was 110.8 burrow/ha, and no difference between the two types of habitat. However, Formosa pangolins significant prefer to rest in the burrow on the low-disturbed habitat. Resting burrows had an average diameter of 16.9±3.7 cm, average slope was 32.3±15.6°, average length of burrow was 201.6±94.8 cm (n=75), ranged from 60 to 505 cm. There was no significant different between the resting burrow used by females and males. More new-dug burrows, average 120.1±69.5 cm in the length, could be found in dry seasons, and was significant shorter than the resting burrow. Moreover, termite nest usually coexisted with these new-dug burrows (30/35), and some new burrows were found to be re-covered, suggested pangolins might re-visit a feeding site if there were food left. Formosa pangolins apparently search for food nomadically within its home range, and the feeding environments were highly diversity.


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