  • 學位論文


The Population Dynamics of Cycad Aulacaspis Scale and Its Natural Enemies Cybocephalus spp. in Taitung Cycas Nature Reserve, Taiwan

指導教授 : 張念臺


摘要 臺灣北部之蘇鐵植株,自2000年開始,發現蘇鐵 (cycad) 遭受蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲 (Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi) 的危害,之後開始蔓延全臺,更侵入位於臺東之紅葉村蘇鐵自然保留區,嚴重威脅保留區內之臺東蘇鐵。本研究之主要目的是進行臺東蘇鐵自然保留區內蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲及天敵出尾蟲之族群數量與消長監測與兩種出尾蟲發生及其食餌範圍測試。臺東縣延平事業區第19與第23林班蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲之調查自2009年2月起至2012年9月,共約3年7個月。結果顯示2010年12月族群密度最低9.71±10.63隻/5cm針葉, 2010年7月族群密度最高94.74±125.29隻5cm針葉,之後隨氣溫降低逐漸下降,其天敵方頭出尾蟲 (Cybocephalus flavocapitis T. R. Smith) 之族群數目亦隨之下降。而自泰國引進,釋放於此二林班的雙色出尾蟲 (Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrody-Younga) 僅2009年2月及2009年3月有紀錄,之後的調查皆未發現,研判可能無法於該地立足。由於第19林班以及第23林班秋冬較為乾燥,因此臺東蘇鐵葉片通常會由翠綠轉為黃化,至2、3月份後才有新葉產生。此現象造成蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲因冬季樹汁枯竭而死亡。方頭出尾蟲及雙色出尾蟲共進行6科18種之介殼蟲食餌測試,顯示上述二種出尾蟲族群皆對鏈介科 (Asterolecaniidae) 及盾介科 (Diaspididae) 的介殼蟲有取食行為,雙色出尾蟲亦會取食絲粉介殼蟲 (Ferrisia virgate) 及咖啡硬介殼蟲 (Saissetia coffeae)。方頭出尾蟲與雙色出尾蟲產卵測試結果顯示,兩種出尾蟲皆只在盾介科之介殼蟲上產卵。食餌與產卵對象測試指出,兩種出尾蟲在臺灣可能有相似的生態區位。 關鍵字:蘇鐵白輪盾介殼蟲、雙色出尾蟲、方頭出尾蟲、族群數量與消長、食餌測試、產卵測試


Abstract Cycad was infested by cycad aulacaspis scale (Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi, CAS) since year 2000 in northern Taiwan, and spread all island including the Taitung cycas nature reservion area rapidly. They threaten the survival of the the aboriginal species, Cycas taitungensis . This study is monitoring the population dynamic of CAS and its natural enemy scale picnic beetle (Cybocephalus spp., SPB) . Result shows the population number is related to ambient temperature in 19 and 23 compartment, Yanping working circle, Taitung. During the survey period, the CAS population increase to peak (94.74±125.29 insects/ 5cm cycad leaf) in July 2010, and decrease to 9.71±10.63 insects/ 5cm cycad leaf in December 2010.The population dynamic of its local natural enemy Cybocephalus flavocapitis T. R. Smith fluctuated with its host CAS. Cybocephalus nipponicus, which introduced from Tailand and released before, can’t be collected any during these period. It may caused by population unestablishment. Autumn and winter is dry season in nature reservion area, the green cycad leaf will turn yellow due to water shortage. This might cause death and low population of the CAS. Host-range and reproductive preference tests were conducted with C. flavocapitis and C. nipponicus, two biological control candidates against the invasive CAS. Eighteen native scale species plus the invasive CAS were tested in growth chambers using nochoice tests. The results revealed that the two Cybocephalus beetles, both fed on relatively similar scale prey species. Additionally, the adults of these two species oviposited only on Diaspididae scales. Those showed that both Cybocephalus beetles may share a similar host niche in Taiwan. Keyword: Aulacaspis yasumatsui , Cybocephalus nipponicus, Cybocephalus flavocapitis , Host range, population dynamic


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