  • 學位論文

Bacillus aryabhattai 菌株對於促進水稻生長上的應用

Application of Bacillus aryabhattai in Growth Promotion of Oryza sativa

指導教授 : 周映孜 博士


由於近幾十年來化學肥料使用量增加,導致台灣土壤質量下降破壞 土壤生態系統,因此需要找尋一種替代方案來改善土壤質量。而本研究 透過促進根圈使植物生長 (Plant Growth of Promote Rhizosphere , 簡稱PGPR) 的方式,以此做為生物性肥料。本研究位於台灣南投縣塔塔 加山發現B. aryabhattai 菌株,並用此菌株作為PGPR。因此,本研究 的目的為討論B. aryabhattai 對水稻生長、菌叢豐富度和多樣性以及其 對氮素有效性的影響。本實驗於一至四月在NPUST 生物科技系館進行實 驗操作,並通過比較施用B. aryabhattai 菌株前後的結果來做T 檢定。 結果顯示此菌株對水稻的生長期和開花期間並沒有顯著性,推測氮 肥不能直接被植物吸收,所以無法促進植物生長。由於土壤中存在豐富 的厚壁菌門和藍細菌門等菌種,導致土壤中的氮素對於植株來說無法攝 取也不足量。然而,B. aryabhattai 的施用結果表明,根長和總生物量 有顯著性影響。因此,B. aryabhattai 在水稻栽種中可作為生物肥料, 並且通過作為PGPR 的厚壁菌門和藍細菌門等菌叢的豐富度和多樣性,來 ii 增加固氮的潛力。為了進一步研究,將B. aryabhattai 與其他幾種PGPR 結合使用,以便更清楚地了解PGPR 的作用、土壤中可利用的氮素以及水 稻生長的關係。


Because of the increase in chemical fertilizers over the past few years resulting in a decrease in soil quality in Taiwan which can damage soil ecosystems, so an alternative is needed to improve soil quality. One alternative that is used to improve soil quality is to use the Plant Growth of Promote Rhizosphere (PGPR) application which acts as a biological fertilizer. This study used B. arybhattai bacteria found in Mount Tataka, Taiwan as PGPR. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effects of B. aryabhattai on rice growth, the soil chemical particularly in N available and soil biology which related to the abundance and diversity of bacteria. This research was conducted at the Biotechnology department at NPUST from January to April. This study used a T-test by comparing the results before the application of B. aryabhattai and after the B. aryabhattai application. The results of this study indicate that the application of B. aryabhattai is not significant in the vegetative and generative phases of rice growth. Because, the N is not available in the soil into be absorbed by plants, thus it is not sufficient for plant growth. N is not available and sufficient for plants due to the presence of abundant Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria phyla. However, the application of B. aryabhattai in rice fields showed a significant difference in yield on root length and total rice biomass. Therefore, the application of B. aryabhattai to rice can be used as biofertilizer and might have the potential to fix N through to increasing the abundance of phylum Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria acting as PGPR. For further studies, the application of B. aryabhatai can be combined with several other PGPR thus it can be more clearly known the role of PGPR and the Nmechanism available in the soil and also the relationship to rice growth.


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