  • 學位論文


The study on the Land Use Change and Location Pattern of Private Land in the National Kent-Ding Park

指導教授 : 鄭春發 楊州斌


伴隨台灣社會經濟的快速變遷,國民所得提高帶動國民旅遊市場的活絡、加上週休二日制度的公佈、墾丁春天吶喊音樂藝術祭之創辦及開放陸客來台觀光,墾丁國家公園的旅遊活動與時俱進,已和最初設置的目的有所改變,國家公園內、外的土地利用對今的社會變動做出了改變公園內的地主把自己居住的房舍改裝為民宿,公園外的私有地主者在農地興建農舍,並等待機會往民宿發展。然而,政黨輪替導致陸客來台人數驟降,加上廉航低價行銷策略加速國民出國旅遊的機會,而一例一休與年金改革制度的施行同時影響了墾丁國家公園,乃至恆春半島的觀光休閒產業。另,台灣遊覽車事故及墾丁高消費的新聞報導等媒體傳播,都直接及間接影響了台灣整體的觀光遊憩市場。 本研究應用地理資訊系統疊圖分析,剖析台灣社會脈絡變動下,私有土地利用變遷與聚落發展的歷程,並運用多重環域分析探討恆春半島地區(國家公園內、外)私有地發展旅宿產業開發區位與因素,本研究主要研究成果:「在2016年(政黨輪替,陸客大量減少)前國家公園內私有土地發展區位特性多緊鄰主要道路、海岸與特別景觀區;國家公園外,與交通可及性有著密切的關聯性,土地發展類型多為民宿業、住宅與休憩活動為主。2016年前墾丁國家公園內、外之旅宿業群聚的點位,與國家公園範圍線之間存在著一段距離;然而,在2016年後國家公園外的非都市土地,私有地主因預期心理,加上,墾丁國家公園內住宿供給不足、價格偏高等因素,使得地主興建住宅並嘗試轉型為民宿,其區位愈接近國家公園數量(樓地板)愈高。」 其次,在訪談中,了解到:「國家公園與恆春半島觀光活動熱絡下,直、間接影響到當地居民的生活,從一般民生物資提高、公共設施與醫療資源被旅客分散,生活品質受到干擾,更嚴重的是,外地投資者們的進駐,提高了的當地房地價,迫使恆春半島的年輕人無法回到家鄉立地,紛紛的外移,使恆春半島成人口高齡化、高生活成本等問題。」綜合上述課題,本研究建議應從恆春半島區域的角度,檢討遊憩與住宿之總量管制,從生物圈保護區的概念,將農業做為生態緩衝區,引入明智利用精神,發展友善農業,藉由社會企業概念,發展生態旅遊與社區夥伴。」


With the rapid changes in Taiwan’s social economy, the increase of national income drives the growth of the tourism market. The tourist activities in Kenting National Park have changed its initial position, but keep up with the times. Because of the social change such as the implementation of the two-day holiday per week plan, the establishment of Spring Scream Music Art Festival in Kenting, and the allowance for Mainland China tourists to visit Taiwan, the land use inside and outside Kenting National Park lead to a major change.The landlords inside Kenting National Park converted their house into homestays. The private landlords outside Kenting National Park build farmhouses in their farmland, waiting for the opportunities to develop into homestays. However, the number of tourist arrivals from China has sharply declined because of the party alternation, and the low-cost strategy of low-cost airlines also accelerate the opportunity to travel abroad. In addition, “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” and “pension reform” policies influence the the tourism and leisure industries in Kenting National Park and even in Hengchun Peninsula. Moreover, the negative news of Taiwan tour bus accidents and the high consumption of Kenting have both directly and indirectly influence Taiwan's overall tourist recreation market. This study adopted overlay analysis of Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze the land use change and settlement development process under Taiwanese social context change. Multi-Buffer Zones analysis is also used to explore the development location pattern of private land and factors in Hospitality industry in Hengchun Peninsula area (inside and outside the national park). This research has discovered “After 2016, the location factors and relationship of private land development, outside the national park, the closer the national park is, the more privately owned B&Bs and homes are used because of the expected psychology. Before 2016, regardless of inside and outside national parks, there is a distance between the location of the travel industry and the range line. Furthermore, there is a close relationship between the spatial characteristics and the accessibility of transportation in the field of tourism industry in Hengchun Peninsula and Kenting National Park. In the national park, most Limited Use Areas where the houses can be built are near the coastline due to the influence of the terrain, and most of the travel industry is close to the coast and special landscape areas. The strategy of the private land development in Hengchun Peninsula is as follows. “From the angle of Hengchun Peninsula, we have to review recreation, control the amount of accommodation needed, and avoid overexploitation which might cause the ecology of disturbance, the reduction in agricultural land, and livelihood issues. Besides, we have to develop organic or pesticide-free agriculture. National Park Plan should keep up with trends and be well planned to develop Ecotourism and community partners”


黃世孟(1985)。都市解析 。大佳出本社。
