  • 學位論文


Analysis by Geographic Information System for the impact of air pollution to the residential health in Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 余伍洲


高雄,是台灣石化發展的龍頭,大大小小的煙囪成為獨特地標,空氣汙染嚴重,固定汙染源負荷占全國4成,而全台造成空氣汙染較具規模的列管(工廠),總共有7,100家,高雄就佔了3,000家,另外全台有八成的鋼鐵業也在此地,產生了大量的二氧化硫等汙染物,空氣雖看不見,卻跟我們的生活息息相關,空氣品質的好壞與呼吸系統健康有極大的相關性,並會影響人體其他部分的機能反應,主要在於呼吸系統的部分,不論是高濃度短時間或低濃度長時間的暴露情況,在高濃度狀況下也有可能會伴隨造成心血管方面的疾病產生,甚至造成死亡。 而本研究係以應用地理資訊系統,彙整高雄各空氣測站地區空氣污染濃度及當地因呼吸道疾病(肺癌、氣管癌及支氣管癌)死亡人數,進行一長時間具體的統計與分析,結果顯示101年至105年平均死亡率較突出之地區為美濃(600人/百萬人)與前金(568人/百萬人),並針對兩地區進行汙染物濃度及死亡率之相關性比較,發現O3與PM10皆呈現相當明顯之相關性,而汙染物方面二氧化硫與氮氧化物則是小港地區年平均值為全市第原因可能為小港的大林蒲地區周邊工業林立,大多是鋼鐵、金屬製造、加工業因此造成氮氧化物及二氧化硫濃度較高,臭氧汙染情況則是林園地區最明顯原因可能為當地煉油廠及石化工業眾多造成大量VOCS,一氧化碳則為鳳山地區最高。PM2.5汙染較嚴重之地區則為小港、左營,推測原因分別為大林浦及鳳鼻頭設立臨海工業區被重工廠包圍,空氣持續汙染造成PM2.5居高不下。另外左營測站因位居都會區,且交通位置方便因此移動汙染源眾多,PM10汙染情況較突出地區則為鳳山、楠梓、仁武介於70到75 μg/m3之間。 關鍵字:地理資訊系統、空氣汙染、肺癌/氣管癌


Kaohsiung,is the leader of Taiwan’s petrochemical development. Many stationary sources have become unique landmarks result in air pollution is serious.Stationary sources account for 40% of the country’s total, while Taiwan’s total number of factories is relatively large. There are 7,100 in total. Kaohsiung’s accounted for 3,000. In addition, 80% of the ferrous industry in Taiwan is also located here, producing large amount of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants. Although the air is invisible, it is closely related to our lives. Human beings breathe all the time. The quality of the air has a great correlation with the general public's respiratory health, and it affects the functional response of other parts of the human body. Part of the system, whether it is a high concentration for a short period of time or exposure to a low concentration for a long period of time, may also cause cardiovascular diseases or even death in high concentrations. In this study, we applied Geographic Information System to collect air pollution concentrations in air-monitoring stations in Kaohsiung, and local deaths due to respiratory diseases (lung, tracheal, and bronchial cancers). We conducted a long period of consolidation and analysis.The results of the experiment indicated that the average mortality rate in 2012-2016 was more prominent in Meinong (600 persons/million persons) and the Qianjin (568 persons/million persons), comparing the correlation between pollutant concentration and mortality in the two regions, it is found that O3 and PM10 have a fairly significant correlation.The pollutants in terms of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the first in the Xiaogang city. The annual average of ozone is not much different in the concentration of eleven administrative regions, and carbon monoxide is the highest in Fengshan. In the order of PM2.5, the average values of Xiaogang, Datun, Zuoying and Qianjin are between 33 to 34 μg/m3, and that of PM10 are between 16 to 75 μg/m3 for Fengshan, Nanxun and Renwu. Keyword: GIS、air pollution、lung cancer


GIS air pollution lung cancer


1. 行政院環境保護署空氣品質改善維護資訊網,2017,空氣品質監測站。網址:https://air.epa.gov.tw/Public/quality.aspx。
2. 行政院環境保護署空氣品質監測網,高屏空品區,網址: https://taqm.epa.gov.tw/taqm/tw/Aqi/KaoPing.aspx?fm=AqiMap
3. 行政院環境保護署環保新聞專區,2016,二氧化硫管制說明。網址: http://enews.epa.gov.tw/enews/fact_News
4. 高雄市政府民政局,網址:
