  • 學位論文


A study of Research and Development of Functional Pet Treats for Pet Dog

指導教授 : 羅希哲


學號:M10570004 論文名稱:寵物犬機能性零食開發與研究 總頁數:146頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:107學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:陳易伸       指導教授:羅希哲 論文摘要: 隨著臺灣人口結構與生活型態一直變化,寵物犬已成為家中一份子,飼主對寵物犬的照顧猶如家人般,而對其健康與疾病預防更是注重,因此本研究以營養補充成分、身體調節及疾病預防為前提研發出寵物犬機能性零食。 本研究以問卷發放,針對飼主及寵物犬對於寵物犬機能性零食接受度與寵物接受度(嗜口性)做調查,以滾雪球採樣,發放28份問卷,回收有效問卷26份,經實證分析結果發現: 一、製作寵物犬機能性零食。 二、寵物犬機能性零食具有商品價值,且寵物犬對於寵物犬機能性零食 接受度高,小狗對於寵物犬機能性零食接受度比老狗高。 三、飼主對於六款寵物犬機能性零食接受度很高。 四、產品屬性與價格認知關係中,健康屬性及品質屬性較容易影響,飼主對於寵物犬機能性零食的價格認知,產品屬性越好價格認知就更高。 五、產品屬性與購買意願關係中,健康屬性及品質屬性較容易影響飼主對於寵物犬機能性零食的購買意願,產品屬性越好購買意願就更高,可看出飼主願意多花一點金錢為寵物犬提供好的品質及健康的零食。 六、產品屬性、價格認知與購買意願關係中,較好的產品屬性能夠使價格提高,且能夠使飼主因為產品較好而增加購買意願也願意花較多的金錢,顯示出目前寵物犬在飼主生活的角色及重要性,已能獲得如同家人的照料。


Student ID: M10570004 Title of Thesis: A study of Research and Development of Functional Pet Treats for Pet Dog. Total Pages:146 Department/Graduate Institute:National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation: June, 2019 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Yi-Shen Chen Advisor: Dr. Shi-Jer Lou Abstract: With changes in Taiwan’s demographic structure and lifestyle, canines have become an integral part of family, as they tend to treat and care dogs as family member, especially in terms of its health and disease prevention. Therefore, this study proposed to develop functional snacks as nutritional supplement for body regulation and disease prevention. This study was conducted with questionnaire to investigate the acceptance and preference (palatability) of functional snacks by pets. Snowball sampling of 28 questionnaires was distributed, where 26 valid questionnaires were collected and empirically analyzed with the following findings: 1.Producing functional snacks for canines. 2.Functional snacks for canines showed promising business value, as these pets demonstrated high acceptance to the treats. puppies are more likely to accept functional snacks than older dogs 3.The owners showed high acceptance to six types of functional snacks for canines. 4.In terms of relationship between product attributes and price perception, health and quality were the two primary factors in consideration. The owner’s perception of price for functional snack relied on the quality that better quality would yield more acceptance of higher product price. 5.In terms of relationship between product attributes and purchase intention, health and quality were most likely to affect the owner’s will. Better product attributes led to higher purchase intention, that the owner became more willing to spend more to provide better quality and healthy snacks to the pet. 6.In the relationship among product attributes, price perception and purchase intention, better product attributes could increase the price and also the owner’s purchase intention to spend more money. Such result showed that the role of a pet dog has become a family member of importance that it was often cared after as part of the family.


