  • 學位論文


Employee Stressors and Work Behaviors: A Mediation Model of Regulatory Focus Theory

指導教授 : 賴鳳儀


現代人生活在這個忙著打拼的世界裡,沒有誰的工作是清閒的,工作壓力幾乎是無所不在,壓力風暴已經是現代社會不容忽視的文明病了。過去學者對壓力進行的研究中,將壓力分為兩種不同類型的壓力源,學者稱為挑戰型壓力源和阻礙型壓力源,組織若無法提供適當的調節機制,壓力源對個體不僅會產生身心健康的影響,嚴重的話可能會造成高的離職率,導致組織人事成本上的負擔,以及與顧客關係建立上的困難。因此,本研究將探討調節焦點理論在挑戰、阻礙型壓力源與服務導向組織公民行為、工作忽略之間關係的中介角色。 問卷發放地點為台北地區與高雄地區,而為避免共同方法變異的影響,研究使用時間間隔方式,在兩個時間點分別針對相同的主題、相同的樣本進行變數資料的收集,藉此降低同源性偏差的產生,來增加資料可信度。在第一階段共發放了340份問卷,獲得有效配對問卷328份,整體有效回收率為 96.47%;第二階段共發放了340份問卷,獲得有效配對問卷258份,整體有效回收率為 75.88%。研究再扣除題答一致性過高、嚴重漏填的無效樣本後,整體有效樣本為255份,整體有效回收率為 75%。 經由結構方程模式分析之檢驗步驟,本研究從255位與顧客有較長的接觸時間、較多互動的高情緒勞務服務行業別員工資料中發現,調節焦點理論的預防焦點可中介阻礙型壓力源與服務導向組織公民行為之間的負向關係。研究結果顯示,在討論壓力源、服務導向組織公民行為以及工作忽略的關係時,將調節焦點理論納入考量的重要性。研究結果,也提供了進一步的理論及實務意涵。


Modern people live in this busy and hard-working world. No one's work is leisurely, work pressure is almost omnipresent, and stress storm has already become a civilized disease that modern society can't ignore. In the past, scholars' research on stress has divided the pressure into two different types of stressors. They are called “challenge stressors” and “hindrance stressors”. If an organization is unable to provide appropriate adjustment mechanisms, the stressors will not only have an impact on the physical and mental health of the individual. In a serious case, it may result in a high turnover rate, a burden on the organization's personnel cost, and difficulties in establishing relationships with customers. Accordingly, this study investigates the mediating role of regulatory focus in the relationship between challenge stressor and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior as well as job neglect, and the relationship between hindrance stressor and the above two work behaviors. The questionnaire was distributed in Taipei and Kaohsiung areas. In order to avoid common method variance (CMV), the study collects data form the subject at two time points in order to reduce the single source bias. Total amount of 340 questionnaires were issued in the first phase, and 328 effective questionnaires were returned with 96.47% of return rate. Total amount of 340 questionnaires were issued in the second phase, and 258 effective questionnaires were returned with 75.88% of return rate. After deducting the invalid samples with high consistency and serious missing filling, the 255 valid responses were used for hypotheses testing. The valid response rate is 75%. Through the analysis of structural equation modeling, this study tested the model with two temporally matched data from 255 employees who have long contact time with customers and more interactive high-emotional labor service industry employees. Results showed that prevention focus mediated the negative relationships between hindrance stressors and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Results suggested the importance of accounting for the mediating role of regulatory focus theory. Accordingly, further theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


James, L. R., & Brett, J. M. (1984). Mediators, moderators, and tests for mediation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69(2), 307-321.
余明助、陳婉青、洪啟強,2014。正向心理資本、工作敬業心、服務氣候與服務導 向組織公民行為之研究─以電信產業門市人員為例。服務業管理評論,11,25-42。
