  • 學位論文

家庭照顧者參與支持團體後續發展之研究 -以參與生命線培心計畫之照顧者為對象

Research on the Follow-up Development of Family Caregivers Participating in Support Groups :Targeting Family Caregivers who involved in the Lifeline Training Programs

指導教授 : 李聲吼


摘 要 學號:M10761004 總頁數:117 論文名稱:家庭照顧者參與支持團體後續發展之研究:以參與生命線培心計畫之照顧者為對象 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學系(所)別:社會工作系(所) 畢業時間及摘要別:108學年度 第2學期 博(碩)士學位論文摘要 研究生:孫秀珠 指導教授:李聲吼 博士 論文摘要: 本研究目的旨在探討家庭照顧者參與生命線培心計畫支持團體後對照顧者的影響及合作機構後續之發展狀況。本研究採取質性方法,採取立意取樣,以半結構式的訪談指引進行深度訪談,選取10 位具有代表性家庭照顧者及3位主責之工作人員為研究對象,所得文本以主題分析法進行資料分析。經質性分析發現,可歸納為五個核心主軸,分別為「支持團體歷程-窗外有藍天」、「照顧歷程-生命中小草的故事」、「生活歷程-愛的付出」、「面臨的困境-心事誰人知」、「合作機構談培心計畫後續發展-需要、看見、未來」。以此,本研究結論如下:1.支持團體對照顧者的優勢方面,開啟照顧者心靈之門,並以真善美的力量引導正面思維。2.現況及需求方面,受訪之家庭照顧者,日復一日心理和身體的損耗,都可能逼至情緒臨零界點;當在心理系統無法協調時,個人缺乏發展能力的機會,又無法滿足生活上的需求時,危機可能產生。支持團體對家庭照顧者照顧負面效應產生緩衝性影響,給予情緒支持與宣洩,增進對自我與溝通、互動、人際模式的了解。3.培心計畫對合作機構的後續發展,增強團隊凝聚力及提升照顧者的自我效能。最後,本研究建議包含: 1.實務者及機構應善用支持系統、照顧工作應充分分工、善用社會資源的協助、照顧的心理需求、適當轉念。2.規劃屬於據點的家庭照顧者的支持團體;透過網絡分享資訊。3.給予家庭照顧者喘息假替代方案配套;長照發揮功效落實鄰里長掌握鄰里對周遭家戶狀況瞭解。提供政府、據點及家庭照顧者之參考。 關鍵字 : 家庭照顧者 、支持團體、長期照顧服務


Abstract Student ID: M10761004 Title of Thesis: 117 Total Pages: Research on the Follow-up Development of Family Caregivers Participating in Support Groups :Targeting Family Caregivers who involved in the Lifeline Training Programs National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Institute: Department of Social Work Date of Graduation: July¸2020 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Sun﹐Hsiu-Chu Advisor: Dr.Lee﹐Shang-Hou Abstract The paper aims to explore the effects of the support group of Lifeline Training Program on the participating family caregivers, as well as the subsequent development of the collaborating institution. The paper employs qualitative method, purposive sampling and semi-structured interviews. Ten representative family caregivers and 3 main responsible workers have been selected as the research subjects; and the text generated has undergone data analysis by thematic analysis method. After qualitative analysis, it is found that the research can be summarized into 5 major themes, namely “Journey of support group – Blue sky outside the window,” “Caring process – Story of small grass in life,” “Course of life – Giving of love,” “Predicaments– No one couldunderstand,” and “Collaborating institution’s viewpoints on the subsequent development of Lifeline Training Programs – Need, Awareness, Future.” Based on these 5 major themes, the paper draws conclusions as follows: 1. The advantages of the support group for caregivers was to open the doors of the caregivers’ souls, and to use the power of truth, goodness and beauty to guide the caregivers to develop positive thinking. 2. Understanding of current situation and needs of family caregivers being interviewed showed they suffered from mental and physical exhaustion which were likely to lead to emotional breakdown. Once a caregiver could not maintain a balance in their mental state, or the individual lacked opportunities for development to meet the needs of his/her life, crisis might arise. Support group could offer buffering against the family caregivers’ negative emotion, give them emotional support and outlet, and increase their understanding towardthemselves as well as their communication, interaction, and interpersonal models. 3. Regarding subsequent development of the collaborating institution, Lifeline Training Programs has enhanced team cohesion and improved the self-efficacy of the caregivers. Finally, the paper gives the following suggestions: 1. Both practitioners and institutions should make good use of the support system, adequately divide the caring work, utilize assistance from social resources, meet the psychological needs of caregivers, and guide them to accept the current situation in time. 2. Arrange the nearest support groups for different family caregivers, and share the information on the network. 3. Give family caregivers respite by offering them relief and supporting measures. Long-Term Care Plan should be effective and Neighborhood Chiefs and Village Chiefs need to well-informed of their neighboring households’ situations. This paper can be a reference for the government, support groups and family caregivers. Keywords: family caregiver, support group, long-term caring service


國家發展委員人口推估查詢系統: https://pop-proj.ndc.gov.tw/
