  • 學位論文

飼糧中添加蔘果葳® Extra對紅羽土雞生長性能之影響

Effects of dietary supplementation of Sangrovit® Extra on growth performances of native broiler chickens

指導教授 : 謝豪晃 博士


論文摘要內容: 本研究之目的,在探討飼糧中添加天然植物性萃取物蔘果葳® Extra,對紅羽土雞生長性能、腸道型態及屠體性狀之影響。試驗一選用35日齡之紅羽土雞352隻,採4處理 × 4重複(公母各2重複)之試驗設計,公母分飼,每欄22隻。試驗二使用1日齡之紅羽土雞352隻,採4處理 × 4重複(公母各2重複)之試驗設計,公母分飼,每欄22隻。處理組分別為A組(基礎飼糧)、B組(飼糧中另添加蔘果葳® Extra 60 ppm)、C組(飼糧中另添加蔘果葳® Extra 120 ppm)以及添加抗生素組。飼糧及飲水皆採任食。試驗一於56及80日齡;試驗二於27、56及80日齡,雞隻個別稱重並記錄每欄之飼料消耗量。生長試驗結束後,每處理組選取四隻與平均體重相近之雞隻犧牲,進行小腸長度、重量及空腸、迴腸絨毛高度與腺窩深度之測量和屠體性狀之比較觀察。 試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加蔘果葳® Extra 60 ppm組顯著較對照組,提升80日齡公紅羽土雞的體重(Exp. 1 3328.8 vs. 3049.5; Exp. 2 3238.9 vs. 3102.7g/bird)。飼糧中添加蔘果葳® Extra 60ppm組顯著較蔘果葳® Extra 120 ppm、抗生素及對照組,提升57-80日齡公紅羽土雞之平均隻日增重(56.23 vs. 49.87、52.56、45.71 g/d/bird)。在腸道絨毛型態方面,紅羽土雞飼糧中添加蔘果葳®Extra之處理組,顯著增加空腸及迴腸的絨毛高度,此結果顯示有較佳的腸道絨毛型態。而在屠體性狀方面,飼糧中添加蔘果葳®Extra處理組有顯著降低母雞之腹脂率。綜合上述,在紅羽土雞飼糧中添加適量蔘果葳®Extra,可有效促進腸道健康,提高雞隻日增重及上市活體重,並降低腹脂率,可作為非抗生素生長促進劑之用途。 關鍵詞:紅羽土雞、生長性能、生物鹼


The Contents of Abstract This Thesis: The objectives of this study were to explore the effects of dietary natural plant extract Sangrovit® Extra on native broiler performances. In Exp. 1, three hundred and fifty-two native broilers at 35 days of age were randomly divided into 4 treatments × 4 replications (2 replicates for male and female each) experimental design with 22 birds in each pen. In Exp. 2, three hundred and fifty-two day-old native broilers were randomly divided into 4 treatments × 4 replications (2 replicates for male and female each) experimental design with 22 birds in each pen. The 4 treatments were A (basal diet), B (diet with Sangrovit® Extra 60 ppm), C (diet with Sangrovit® Extra 120 ppm), D (diet with antibiotics). Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Birds were weighed individually and feed consumption were recorded at 56 and 80 days of age in Exp. 1, and at 27, 56, and 80 days of age in Exp. 2. Four birds from each treatment were randomly selected at the end of growth trial for the intestinal morphology test which included jejunum and ileum villus height and crypt depth and carcass characteristics test. The results of the experiment showed that the diet with Sangrovit® Extra 60 ppm significantly increased the average daily gain of native broilers at 57-80 days of age, in comparison with Sangrovit® Extra 120 ppm, antibiotics and control groups (56.23 vs. 49.87; 52.56; 45.71 g/d), and had significant effect on the body weight of native broilers at 80 days of age in comparison with the control group (Exp.1 3328.8 vs. 3049.5; Exp.2 3238.9 vs. 3102.7g/bird). For the intestinal morphology, the groups with Sangrovit® Extra had better performances on jejunum and ileum villus height and crypt depth and ratio. For the carcass characteristics, the groups with Sangrovit® Extra can significantly reduce the percentage of abdominal fat of hens. The overall results showed that the proper supplementation of Sangrovit® Extra in the diet would effectively improve the intestinal health, increase the average daily gain and body weight of native broilers and reduce the percentage of abdominal fat, so Sangrovit® Extra can be used as the non-antibiotic growth promoter. Key words: growth performance, native broiler, Sangrovit®


季培元。1977。家禽生理學。台灣商務印書館。p. 261-282, 311-317。
