  • 學位論文


Performance Evaluation of Constructed Wetland System Treating Countryside Sewage

指導教授 : 王裕民


本文以關山人工濕地系統為研究對象,探討人工濕地處理鄉村地區污水之處理效益,提供未來人工濕地功能設計與操作之參考。關山人工濕地系統位於台東縣關山鎮境內,占地6.4公頃,處理水域面積約2.37公頃,處理單元包含截流設施、曝氣氧化塘、密植濕地、開放水域濕地、表面下流動式濕地、草溝、生態池等7個處理單元,設計處理污水量為5000 CMD。數據採用2008年8月至2015年11月期間,共計57筆資料,實際每日進流污水量為1058~4662 CMD,平均水力負荷(HLR)為0.11±0.03 m3/m2/day,平均水力停留時間(HRT)為7.91±2.52 day。水質數據顯示關山人工濕地系統有效去除污水中主要污染物,包括懸浮固體物(SS)去除效率63.19%、生化需氧量(BOD5)去除效率56.98%、總氮(TN)去除效率62.88%、氨氮去除效率81.55%、總磷去除效率66.31%。與文獻之HLR及HRT相比(HLR = 0.92 to 0.01 m3/m2/day,HRT = 0.5 to 29.4 day),關山人工濕地系統具有較低之處理效益,因此建議可藉由提高處理流量,以最大化研究區處理鄉村地區污水之能力。


The aim of this study is to evaluate the sewage water treatment performance in the countryside based on a 6.4 ha (water surface area is 2.37 ha) constructed wetland system in Guanshan Township, Taitung County, Taiwan. The designed sewage processing quantity is 5000 CMD. The operating system consisted of an inflow structure, an aerated lagoon, a surface flow wetland with dense macrophyte, a surface flow wetland with open surface area, a subsurface flow wetland, a grass ditch, and an ecological pond. Totally 57 monthly sewage processing data, including influent flow rate, average hydraulic loading rate (HLR), average hydraulic retention time (HRT), suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) removal, total nitrogen (TN) removal, and total phosphorous (TP) removal were collected from Aug. 2008 to Nov. 2015. The results show that the influent flow ranged from 1058 to 4662 CMD, leading to an average HLR of 0.11± 0.03 m3/m2/day and HRT of 7.91 ± 2.52. The removal rate of sewage of SS, BOD5, NH4-N, TN and TP is 63.19%, 56.98%, 62.88%, 81.55%, and 66.31%, respectively, which showed a notable sewage processing ability in the study area. Although, the HLR and HRT in this study showed relative lower values compared with previous studies (HLR = 0.92 to 0.01 m3/m2/day, HRT = 0.5 to 29.4 day), however, they are possibly improved by increasing influent flow rate if needed, in order to maximize the countryside sewage processing ability in Guanshan Wetland Park.


1. Ramsar, 1971, The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat.
2. Cowardin. L. M., V Carter, F. C. Golet, and E. T. Laroe, 1979, Classification of Wetland and Deepwater habitats of the United States,U.S. Fich & Wildlife Service Pub. FWS/OBS-79/31, Washington, D. C., 103p.
3. National Wetlands Working Group, 1988, Wetlands of Canada, cological Land Classification Series, No. 24. Environment Canada and Polyscience Publications Inc, Ottawa, Ontario. 452 p.
4. Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2010, Designating Ramsar Sites: Strategic Framework and guidelines for the future development of the List of Wetlands of International Importance Ramsar handbooks for the wise use of wetlands, 4th ed., vol. 17, Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Gland, Switzerland.
5. 內政部營建署城鄉發展分署,2011,國家重要濕地碳匯功能調查計畫,總結報告書。
