  • 學位論文


Application of Scaffolding Instruction to Investigate the Effectiveness of Aboriginals’ Beading Teaching Course

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


摘要 學號: N10570018 論文題目:鷹架理論介入台灣原住民珠繡技藝實用教學成效之探討 總頁數:97 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業年月: 106年第 二 學期 學位別:碩士學位 研究生:趙文翎 指導教授:鍾鳳嬌 博士 論文摘要內容: 本研究以屏東縣106年度原住民傳統技藝人才培育訓練計畫的課程,發展原住民珠繡課程內容與其實施方式,藉由鷹架理論中的教師鷹架、同儕鷹架等介入台灣原住民珠繡技藝實用教學成效與滿意程度之探討。研究對象為12名原住民學員,訓練原住民珠繡技藝學習之成效,協助原住民保留傳統技藝與文化,並傳承學員學習歷程之探究。課程設計介入鷹架理論,觀察教師教學與同儕互助的成效,了解原住民對技藝實用教學搭配時尚包的滿意度分析,研究結果發現: 一、 發展原住民珠繡課程內容與實施方式:本研究以原住民傳統技藝人才培育訓練計畫的課程,課程內容安排了大地之紋掛飾、太陽神之子長夾、太陽的女兒手晚包、太陽神水桶包四樣作品,實施時間是2017年05月01日至05月31日,每周一、三、五上課、一次4小時共50小時。教原住民學員珠繡技巧縫製方法與圖騰製圖與設計,讓原住民學員真正能獨立設計進而創作。 二、 探討教師及同儕鷹架導引原住民珠繡技藝學習之歷程:在製作時尚包與珠繡教學歷程中,每個學員學習的邏輯都不一樣,教師鷹架包括教師須很有耐性一一示範讓學員了解製作原理,再與同儕互相幫助,學習力強的學員幫助學習力弱的學員,利用人造物鷹架如時尚包製圖講義、製作程序講義、包包版型等,教師同意學員利用手機將教師示範的過程拍攝下來供學員複習,讓原住民提高學習能力。 三、 探討原住民珠繡技藝課程學習之滿意程度:參與的學員對本次的課程經驗學習成長非常滿意、上課教材內容滿意與對自己的作品也很滿意、可以獨立完成作品感到滿意、我在學習中得到自信等問題透過五等量表與利用百分比調查統計分析與學員成果展的作品呈現滿意。 關鍵詞:鷹架理論、台灣原民珠繡


Abstract Student ID: N10570018 Title of Thesis: Application of Scaffolding Instruction to Investigate the Effectiveness of aboriginals’ Beading Teaching Course Total Pages: 97 Department /Graduate Institute: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation: June, 2018 Degree Conferred: Master Graduate Student: Jau, Wen-Lin Adviser: Chung, Feng-Chiao Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the aboriginals’ beading teaching effectiveness by scaffolding instruction. Through the aboriginals’ beading and Sewing skills teaching to understand the learning effectiveness of the memberships, The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. The research included four sections work, including the earth hanging ornament, the kids of the sun wallet, daughters of the sun purse, and god of the sun bag. The course was from May 1st,2017 to May 31st, 2017, participants were twelve aboriginals. 2. The research investigated teaching aboriginals sewing skills through scaffolding instruction, it contains good effectiveness of application scaffolding instruction to teaching aboriginal’s beading. The teachers and members should have a lot of patient in the course, experienced aboriginal would be a tutor to teach others, through helping each other, the effectiveness of the course is very good. 3. The members though that the course is very helpful for them to learning some sewing skills and beading skills, on the other hand, it also helpful for them to inherited their special culture. Key words: Scaffolding instruction, aboriginals’ beading


陳枝烈(19917a)。台灣原住民教育。台北市 : 師大師苑。
陳枝烈(2010)。原住民族教育 – 18年的看見與明白。國立屏東大學,屏東市。
