  • 學位論文


The Study of Brand Image and Word of Mouth on the Customer Loyalty of Handmade Soap - Using Positive and Negative Word of Mouth As the Moderating Variable

指導教授 : 薛招治


消費者在購物前,有使用搜尋口碑訊息的習慣,口碑是影響消費者行為的關鍵因素,且正負面評價又有不同的影響力。本研究目的探討手工皂公司-水由白十的品牌形象、正負面口碑與顧客忠誠度之關係,本研究問卷配合「水由白十」週年慶及母親節活動,從實體門市購買、官網購買,利用Google表單針對已購買過水由白十的顧客進行問卷發放,發送150份回收126份。研究結果顯示有6大重點:1. 品牌形象對顧客忠誠度具有正向顯著的影響2. 正面口碑對顧客忠誠度具有正向顯著的影響3.正負口碑對於品牌形象與顧客忠誠度之間不具有調節效果。4.從單因子變異數分析研究結果發現教育程度較高者對於他人給予的負面評價比教育程度較低者來的少,因此教育程度高者比較不在意負面評價。5.平均收入越高的越不在意負面評價。6.居住地區位於屏東和雲林至高雄給予的正面評價較高。最後針對以上結論提出對該企業經營及行銷上的建議。


品牌形象 口碑 顧客忠誠度


Consumers will take into account searching for word-of-mouth before shopping. The word-of-mouth is a key factor affecting consumer behavior to buy new brands. And Positive and negative evaluations have different influences. In this study, the object is to discuss the relationship among the brand image of “W&O Beauty”, word-of-mouth and customer loyalty. The questionnaire in this study conjuncts with the “W&O Beauty” anniversary and Mother's Day activities to mail for customers. When customers purchasing in the physical store or on the official website use, they could respond the questionnaires in Google forms. The questionnaires were send 150 copies and 126 copies were collected. The results showed that six findings: 1. Brand image has positive significantly impact on customer loyalty; 2. Positive word-of-mouth has significantly impact on customer loyalty; 3. Positive and negative word-of-mouth does not have a conditioning effect on customer loyalty and brand image. 4. From the results from single factor analysis showed that people with higher education level have less negative evaluation than those with lower education level. Therefore, those with higher education level are less concerned with negative evaluation than those with lower education level. 5. From the average monthly income is significantly different for negative evaluation. People with the higher average income are less concerned with negative evaluation than those with lower average income. 6. People living in Pingtung, Yunlin and Kaohsiung have higher positive evaluations. Finally, the above conclusions are proposed to advice for business operations and marketing.


Brand image Word-of-Mouth Customer Loyalty


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