  • 學位論文

運用失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,簡稱FMEA)技術於南美白蝦淡水養殖存活率之個案研究—以L養蝦場為例

A Case Study of Applying FMEA on the Litopenaeus vannamei Survival Ratefrom Freshwater Aquaculture

指導教授 : 葉信平 蔡青園


全球淡水和海水野生水產的總量日漸萎縮,同時世界對於水產品的需求卻在增加。而水產養殖是滿足消費者需求最便捷的途徑。不過水產養殖的管理方式,對現代世界而言仍是一個充滿挑戰的新領域。   面對現在大環境的生態病害,以及氣候變遷的威脅,台灣的養殖蝦業面臨的困境越來越艱鉅。因此為了提高養殖業水產品的品質,需要優化業者的管理方式以提高收成產量,並降低養殖所面臨的種種風險威脅,才能確保產業能永續經營。尤其養殖蝦業的南美白蝦,對於環境的需求更是斤斤計較,更加考驗著業者對養殖的手法與觀念,為此養殖蝦業更需要建立一套有系統、有效率的管理及應對機制。   本研究旨在運用失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,簡稱FMEA)系統方法,檢測在養殖管理中可能發生的失誤與衍生南美白蝦存活率降低的情況,提出一套可行暨預防措施與機制。期以FMEA技術系統式地分析管理,系統內潛在的失效情況與所可能造成之影響,並探究其主要原因,選出關鍵之優先順序,事先討論研擬出對策,管制追蹤改正措施的執行,以便對潛在可能出現的管理失效,預先做好防範措施,以降低南美白蝦所受到的管理失效之風險或影響。   本研究以L養蝦場為對象,以FMEA應用於養殖管理的過程中,透過系統性檢視養殖作業與流程,定義各項活動發生失效的嚴重度、發生度、以及易偵測度,評估管理失效風險優先數(Risk Priority Number, RPN),找出執行對策的優先順序,確實改善業者的問題解決能力。透過持續不斷地檢測,業者最終達到南美白蝦收成80%的存活率之提升目標。


The total amount of global freshwater and marine wild aquatic products is decreasing, while the world's demand for aquatic products is increasing. Aquaculture is the most convenient and fast way to meet consumer demand. However, the management of aquaculture is a new area where there’s full of challenge for this modern world.   Faced with the ecological diseases of the current large environment and the threat of climate change, Taiwan's farming shrimp industry is facing more and more obstacles. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of aquatic products in the aquaculture industry, it is necessary to optimize the management methods of the industry to increase the yield of the harvest and reduce the risks and many threats in the aquaculture industry, so as to ensure the sustainable operation of the industry. In particular, the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in the shrimp industry is more concerned about the environmental needs, and it also tests the practices and concepts of the farmers. Therefore, the farming shrimp industry needs to establish a systematic and efficient management and the mechanism how to cope with it.   This study applies the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) system approach to detect possible errors in aquaculture management and the reduction of the survival rate of derived white shrimp. Moreover, put forward a set of feasible and preventive measures with mechanism. In order to systematically analyze the potential failures and possible impacts in the management system with FMEA, and explore the reason how its main cause it. Select the key priorities, discuss and develop countermeasures in advance, and control the implementation of tracking and correction measures in order to prevent potential management failures, precautions should be taken in advance to reduce the risk of management failures on Pacific white shrimp or impact.   This study is aimed at L aquatic farm, and uses FMEA as the unit in the process of breeding management. Through systematically reviews the breeding operations and processes. Defines the severity, occurrence, and ease of detection of failures in various activities, and evaluates the priority of management failure risk (Risk Priority Number, RPN). Finds out the priority of implementing countermeasures, and indeed improves the ability to solve problems of the industry. Through persistently and continuously testing, the industry has finally reached the goal of improving the survival rate of Litopenaeus vannamei harvest.


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