  • 學位論文


Investigation and Research on Cruise Bus Tour Planning and Service Satisfaction of Wutai Shenshan Line

指導教授 : 陳美惠


霧臺鄉具有豐富的自然景觀和人文生態資源,是民眾休閒遊憩喜愛的原鄉地區。為解決地處偏遠交通不便,同時提供深度體驗的遊程內容與服務,而開發霧臺神山線遊輪巴士的套裝新遊程,將原鄉部落山林資源與傳統生活文化導入遊程規劃設計,提供完整的交通、解說、餐飲、購物之單日遊程配套規劃。本研究以交通動線及資源分布進行郵輪巴士行經之景點分析,從中挖掘原鄉自然生態資源、傳統技藝、傳統農耕、民族植物、狩獵文化、祭典文化等特色資源,作為遊程或體驗活動規劃設計基礎,並搭配遊輪巴士的特性,決定各景點的停留時間、解說重點、遊客人數。遊程規劃過程係由地方政府與部落解說員、部落業者、旅遊業者、輔導團隊五方合議,經實際現勘踩線、動線規劃、遊程訂定、遊程試操作,以及5次遊程規劃焦點團體會議形成共識,並由10名跨社區解說人員組成霧臺神山線遊輪巴士解說服務團隊。本研究針對每個景點以人、文、地、產、景核心資源進行特色分析,遊程規劃動線範圍包含谷川、神山、霧臺、禮納里部落,遊程時間長度為一日遊。為瞭解遊客滿意度,設計遊程服務滿意度問卷,問卷採李克特氏5點量表,題項含遊程訂購服務、解說導覽服務、遊程規劃內容、遊程資訊與相關服務調查共21題項及基本資料7個題項,問卷調查實施期間分為2021年1月至2月及2022年2月至3月,蒐集有效樣本數442份有效問卷,使用SPSS統計軟體進行敘述性統計與ANOVA分析。整體遊程滿意度均4.6分以上,其中遊客對於解說員的表現具高度的肯定;而遊程最吸引遊客的部分為「自然人文景觀」,達 32.0%,其次「傳說故事」及「導覽解說內容」,各別是 25.0%及 24.7%;滿意度差異分析顯示性別、職業及月收入具有顯著差異。


Wutai Township is rich in natural landscapes and humanistic ecological resources, and is a native area favored by the people for leisure and recreation. In order to solve the inconvenient transportation in remote locations and provide in-depth tour content and services, a new package tour of the Wutai Shenshan Line Cruise Bus is developed, which introduces the original tribal mountain forest resources and traditional life culture into the tour planning and design, and provides a complete set of tours. One-day itinerary planning for transportation, commentary, catering, and shopping. This research analyzes the scenic spots passing by the cruise bus based on the traffic routes and resource distribution, and excavates the natural ecological resources, traditional skills, traditional farming, ethnic plants, hunting culture, festival culture and other characteristic resources of the original hometown, as the planning and design of the itinerary or experience activities. Based on the basics, combined with the characteristics of the cruise bus, it determines the stay time of each scenic spot, the focus of the explanation, and the number of tourists. The itinerary planning process is conducted by the local government, tribal interpreters, tribal operators, tourism operators, and professional counseling teams. A consensus was formed at the group meeting, and 10 cross-community commentators formed a bus commentary service team for the Wutai Shenshan Line Cruise. This research analyzes the characteristics of each scenic spot based on the core resources of people, culture, land, production, and scenery. The range of the itinerary planning movement includes Guchuan, Shenshan, Wutai, and Linali tribes, and the length of the tour is a one-day tour. In order to understand the satisfaction of tourists, this study designed a tour service satisfaction questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on a 5-point Likert scale. The items included tour ordering services, interpretive tour services, tour planning content, tour information and related service surveys, a total of 21 items. Items and basic information 7 items. The implementation period of the questionnaire survey is divided into January to February 2021 and February 1 to March 31, 2022. The number of valid samples collected is 442 valid questionnaires, and SPSS statistical software is used to conduct Descriptive statistics and ANOVA analysis. The overall satisfaction of the tour is above 4.6 points, among which tourists have a high degree of affirmation for the performance of the narrator; and the most attractive part of the tour is "natural and cultural landscape", reaching 32.0%, followed by "legendary stories" and "tour guide commentary content", 25.0% and 24.7% respectively; the analysis of differences in satisfaction shows that there are differences in gender, occupation, and monthly income.


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