  • 學位論文


Research on Underwater Recognition for White Shrimp Feeding Rate Relative to Growth Curve Prediction

指導教授 : 苗志銘




With the growth of global population and the increase of food demand, white shrimp farming has become one of the important sources of food supply in the world. However, there are many problems in the traditional white shrimp farming methods, such as high cost, low efficiency, environmental pollution and animal welfare issues. In order to solve these problems, this study conducted a study on the intelligent farming of white shrimp. Among them, the observation of shrimp is the most important. Shrimp is a benthic animal. The observation and decision-making methods are completely judged by empirical rules. Experienced fishermen can make decisions based on water color, residual bait, swimming posture, and activity conditions. Experience in this area requires It takes a long time to grow, and it is easy to disturb the white shrimp when passing people, and even cause death in severe cases. This study mainly takes Penaeus vannamei as the experimental object, collects water quality data and underwater photos in the experimental field and actual field respectively for the white shrimp breeding process, and obtains the amount of residual bait and white shrimp body after the underwater photos are enhanced by MSRSR. Long, and know the growth curve of white shrimp, the relationship between body length and weight, and feed conversion rate, and bring it into machine learning, and then make the empirical method of farming into an interpretable data. The experimental results show that the water quality change in the actual field is mainly related to the temperature; the pH and OPR will change when the feed is fed in the experimental field; the prediction of the weight of the white shrimp body length is 0.889; The increased prediction has a coefficient of determination of 0.988; YOLOv7 has the highest accuracy of 0.973, while YOLOv5 has the fastest training speed; after MSRCR image enhancement, the accuracy increases from 0.931 to 0.959.


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