  • 學位論文


Study of Anthocyanin Contents and Sugar Contents of Agricultural Products by Optical Inspection

指導教授 : 陳建興


本研究利用光學檢測技術研發可應用於農業領域的光學檢測系統:包含檢測萵苣中花青素含量的花青素光譜檢測系統及花青素光強度檢測系統;以及網紋洋香瓜糖度近紅外反射譜光檢測系統。 花青素光譜檢測系統是利用花青素的吸收光譜波段進行分析,單一波長541 nm花青素濃度感測靈敏度(斜率)為0.0006 (1/μg/g),r=0.9624,波長相減541−650 nm花青素濃度靈敏度(斜率)為0.0002 (1/μg/g),r=0.9617,波長相加541+650 nm花青素濃度靈敏度(斜率)為0.0011 (1/μg/g),r=0.9626。 花青素光強度檢測系統中,使用ADS1115(16 bit)做為資料擷取器,以LED及光電二極體取代寬頻光源及光譜儀量測萵苣電壓輸出值,預測花青素的濃度,在單一波長下花青素濃度靈敏度(斜率)為0.0028 (1/μg/g),r =0.5621,波長相減下花青素濃度靈敏度(斜率)為0.0012 (1/μg/g),r=0.1593,波長相加下花青素濃度靈敏度(斜率)為0.0045 (1/μg/g),r=0.5857。 網紋洋香瓜糖度近紅外光譜檢測系統透過實際量白利糖度,說明白利糖度及相對光強度的關係,進行網紋洋香瓜白利糖度的預測,結果波段1156-1050 nm的感測靈敏度(斜率)為-0.1466 (1/Brix),r為-0.6380;波段964-1050 nm感測靈敏度(斜率)為-0.0732 (1/Brix),r為-0.6107。


In this study, we aim to study anthocyanin contents and sugar contents of agricultural products by optical inspection. The optical inspection system includes an optical spectral system for anthocyanin, a light intensity system for anthocyanin, and near-infrared spectroscopy for sugar contents of netted cantaloupe. The optical spectral system for anthocyanin uses the absorption spectrum band for analysis. The result shows that the sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration (slope) was 0.0006 (1/μg/g), r=0.9624 at a single wavelength of 541 nm. The sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration(slope) of the 650−541 nm is 0.0002 (1/μg/g), r=0.9617. The sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration (slope) of the 650+541 nm is 0.0011 (1/μg/g), r=0.9626 The light intensity system of anthocyanin uses the ADS1115 (16-bit) to achieve data collection. LED and photodiode replace broadband light source and spectrometer to measure the output voltage of lettuce. Prediction of the concentration of anthocyanin by the output voltage. The sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration (slope) was 0.0028 (1/μg/g), r = 0.5621 at a single wavelength of 541 nm., The sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration (slope) of the 650−541 nm is 0.0012 (1/μg/g), r=0.1593. The sensor sensitivity of anthocyanin concentration (slope) of the 650+541 nm is 0.0045 (1/μg/g), r=0.5857 The near-infrared spectroscopy for sugar contents of netted cantaloupe explains the relationship between Brix and relative light intensity and the prediction of the sugar contents of netted cantaloupe. The sugar concentration sensitivity (slope) of the 1156−1050 nm and 964−1050 nm were -0.1466 (1/μg/g), r=-0.6380, and -0.0732 (1/μg/g), r=-0.6107, respectively. Such an optical inspection system with high potential can develop to analyze the contents of agricultural products in the future.


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