  • 學位論文


A Digital Right Management System for Multimedia Transaction

指導教授 : 張朝旭


隨著資訊科技的快速發展,電子商務已取代以往傳統的商業模式,透過網路進行分享、傳遞與販售,致使交易的進行不再受到時間與地域的影響,帶來極大的便利性。所以,一般網路的使用者可輕易地於網路間傳遞檔案,而導致涉及違反法律等相關問題,例如上傳與下載未經合法授權的多媒體資訊等行為;是以,網路傳遞的安全性與數位商品的保護,隨著網路的發展其重要性日益增加。 本研究主要針對論壇(P2P)檔案分享與傳遞之方法探討如何確保數位化商品於網路間傳遞之安全性,並結合現今多媒體數位影音平台之保護方式進行研究,透過建立一個以C2C為基礎的DRM多媒體交易系統來進行驗證。實作結果顯示,C2C營運模式可結合數位版權管理(DRM)的技術來運作,並可透過以下的方式來提升商品之安全性與獲益:(1)透過C2C營運模式,使創作者透過平台販售商品。(2)以SSL等方式來保護資料於網際網路傳輸之安全性,並透過防禦SQL injection、Cross site scripting和防止繞過認證網頁的方式來保護平台。(3)買家下單後,賣家才可進行上傳販售商品,並透過資料加密的方式來保護商品的安全性。(4)以DRM的加解密技術並透過授權期限的方式,進行存取控制來保護創作者之智慧財產權。


With the rapid development of Information Technology, Internet has made electronic commerce been replaced by traditional business model. People can access Internet for sharing, delivering and selling the digital product anytime. It brings more and more convenience to us. But it also results in illegal access such as uploading and downloading unauthorized multimedia information. Thus, how to protect these digital products from illegal accessing is a very important issues. This study purpose to improve the security from forum that how to guarantee the digital product delivery security for forums. It proposed a digital platform to guarantee the security. Therefore, this study proposed to build a digital right management system for multimedia transaction. It was based on consumer to consumer business model. The result shows that consumer to consumer business model by using the Digital Rights Management technology enhanced creations with security and profit as follows:First, creators can sell their creations on proposed C2C-platform. Secondly, the creation delivered through the SSL transmission over Internet is protected by avoiding SQL injection, Cross site scripting and illegal web page access. Thirdly, sellers can upload creations protected by data encryption after that the buyer gives orders. Fourthly, a deadline is used to control the access of creations.


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