  • 學位論文


Research of the Key Performance Indicators of Different Industries Based on TTQS Assessment Items

指導教授 : 陳同孝
共同指導教授 : 陳民枝(Jeanne Chen)


臺灣行政院勞委會職訓局為監控及確保辦訓績效,特設計臺灣專屬之訓練品質評核系統(Taiwan TrainQuali System, TTQS),協助企業建立制度化的訓練品質管理制度(Train Quality Management System, TQMS),落實執行、監督、審查及持續改善辦訓之績效,以達培育人才、強化人力資本及提升產業競爭力之政策目標。但企業要完整落實21項TTQS評核項目實屬困難,也無法專注於重點績效改善,故有學者以結合基因演算法與分類演算法之GA-SVM演算法,來找出能提升企業營業成長之關鍵TTQS評核項目,作為企業辦訓重要參考指標。但這些研究並未考量不同產業別之特性,僅有整體產業的分析結果,故本研究除了以TTQS評核項目與企業營業資料作為分析對象,更依企業的產業別予以分類,分別建構適合不同產業之分析預測模型,以期能符合各產業別之特色,使得不同產業別可適性的發展教育訓練關鍵績效指標,減少投資浪費與快速提升辦訓績效。於實驗時,本研究以製造業及服務業共166家企業之TTQS評核資料作為實驗資料,實驗結果證明本研究所提之方法,於製造業可找出5項關鍵TTQS評核項目,落實執行可提升營業額成長率20%的機率達79.49%,服務業則找出7項,落實執行可提升營業額成長率20%的機率達72.09%。最後,本研究成果可供不同產業別企業作為導入教育訓練之參考,提供各種企業在有限的資源及時間內,專注於重點指標來改善教育訓練之流程與品質,達到以辦訓來提升經營績效之目的。


The Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (BEVT) designed the exclusive Taiwan TrainQuali System (TTQS) to help enterprises to build a systematized Train Quality Management System (TQMS) in order to control and ensure training achievement. The aim is to maintain implementation, supervision, evaluation and, continuous training and performance so as to nurture talent, strengthen manpower costs and to increase competitiveness as part of the enterprise policy. However, it is difficult for the enterprise to complete the 21 TTQS assessment items and not easy to focus on specific performance and improvement. Some researchers proposed the genetic algorithm such as GA-SVM to find critical key assessment items that can be used as reference indices by enterprise. These researches did not consider the different characteristics of different industries. This research classifies industries in addition to using the TTQS assessment items and information from enterprise for analysis. An analysis model matching the characteristic of industries is built from the different classifications whereby different industries can adapt to development training for critical performance indices so as to decrease wasteful investments and to quickly enhance training performance. Experiment tests are performed for 166 enterprises using TTQS assessment items. Results showed that the proposed method can locate five TTQS assessment items as key indicators for the manufacturing industry and seven items for the service industry. Finally, this research can be use by enterprise of different industries as reference for educational training guide to provide different enterprises, who have limited resources, key indicators to improve process in educational training and quality in order to enhance management.


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