  • 學位論文

台電公司火力發電廠兼任員工協助員服務現況、困境 與挑戰之研究

A Study of the Taipower Thermal Power Plants’ EAPs Voluntary Consultants Confronted Predicaments and Challenges

指導教授 : 龔慧珠


台電公司為了避免同仁因身心的困擾問題影響到個人工作表現,甚至組織工作氛圍與營運績效,基於「兩利經營」的人性管理理念,於民國77年導入「員工協助方案(EAPs)」。在台電內部設有「同心園地」,並於各單位設置無給職之「兼任員工協助員」來執行與推廣台電員工協助方案。 本研究採質性研究,針對台電全台八所火力發電廠兼任員工協助員發放質性問卷,目的在藉由員工協助方案的第一線推動者,亦即兼任員工協助員的視野,來了解台電公司火力發電廠員工協助方案推行現況,以及協助員在推動業務時所面臨的困難與挑戰,做為調整員工關懷做法之參考。 本研究希望對台電火力發電廠的「員工協助方案」,加入靈活應變的元素,使「同心園地」及「兼任員工協助員」制度能更有效地落實執行。經過綜合性的分析及論證後,提出以下建議: 一、建置兼任「員工協助員督導制度」 二、依員工協助員服務年資,安排「員工協助員進階訓練」課程 三、聘請已卸任員工協助員擔任「同心園地」顧問


To avoid degradation of personal performance, atmosphere and even achievement of the organization caused by employees’ emotional disturbance, on account of mutual–benefit humanized management, EAPs was introduced to Taipower in 1988. “Heart to Heart Caring Society” was founded in departments and positions for EAPs Voluntary consultants were constituted as well. Qualitative Research was adopted in this study. Qualitative questionnaire was applied to volunteer counselors of the 8 thermal power plants around the island. Comprehension of the current situation and also difficulties and challenges for consultants in practicing of the system was expected to be improved through the views of the consultants, the forefront workers of the EAPs. The results were referred for adapting the schemes of employee caring. By dosing the elements of flexibility derived from this study, both “Heart to Heart Caring Society” and “Voluntary Consultants” systems of the Taipower Thermal Power Plants are looked forward to be implemented more effectively. Following suggestions were proposed after comprehensive analysis and argumentation: 1.Deploy “ supervisory mechanism of voluntary consultants” 2.Lay out “advance consultation training programs” according to seniority of voluntary consultants 3.Engage former voluntary consultants to act as advisers of “Heart to Heart Caring Society”


莊惠婷(2006)。高科技產業員工壓力來源、員工協助方案認知、自我效能與倦怠感關係(碩士論文)。取自http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd /01702393553077094579
