  • 學位論文


A study of creation in animation for nursery rhyme “Sai-Pak-Hōo” rendered in paper-cutting style

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


本研究主要探討《西北雨》童謠動畫應用剪紙風格表現之創作研究。目前台灣童謠原本為口語傳播,時而有音樂錄音帶發行。其目標觀眾多設定為幼童,內容及影像內容為童謠表面意義,未被做更深一層的解讀及詮釋。童謠承載著當代民眾集體的感情思想,被用來反應當下社會政經氛圍,其口語傳播的模式於現代社會已式微,勢必需與現代強勢之傳播體材做為結合,將舊有的藝術體材轉化為動畫影片此一新的形式,以達到其內涵的傳播目的。 蒐集台灣童謠文本意涵、剪紙動畫的特色以及動畫影像語言及敘事結構的建立,選定《西北雨》童謠做為詮釋對象,藉由隱喻的手法,塑造了一位平凡上班族的冒險旅程,帶領觀眾進入一個隱喻了現代社會問題的架空世界,以剪紙動畫的影像語言及敘事能力詮釋此一象徵意涵。 透過剪紙此一傳統藝術媒材,應用在電腦動畫風格上,發現剪紙動畫成為一深具幻想力的敘事傳播媒介,再藉由重新改編童謠的敘事方式,利用影像與聲音的刺激,動態圖像的魅力讓《西北雨》童謠更為大眾所接受,在舊有童謠文本意涵透過現代藝術社會持續詮釋,改變了體材,交融出新的意義,引起大眾省思自身所處環境,也傳承台灣傳統社會團結互助的精神,更讓傳統藝術有了新型態樣貌。


西北雨 童謠 剪紙動畫 敘事結構


This study explored the animation creation of a nursery rhyme, “Sai-Pak-Hōo” with application of the style of paper cutting. Today, nursery rhymes in Taiwan have been propagated orally, with publication in recorded form occasionally. Their targeted audience is set mostly at children and their contents and image contents are superficial meanings of the rhymes without being translated or interpreted to a deeper level. Nursery rhymes carry the collective emotions and thoughts of the contemporary people and are used to reflect the current social, political and economic atmosphere. Their oral propagation has been a declined mode in the modern society and has to combine the presently dominant way of communication, with the existed forms of art transformed into the new animation to achieve the purpose of propagation of their contents. In gathering the textual meanings of Taiwanese nursery rhymes and the features of cut-out animation, and creating the image language and structure of narrative of animation, I selected the nursery rhyme, “Sai-Pak-Hōo” to interpret. By the metaphor skill, I developed the adventure of an ordinary office worker to take the audience into a fictitious world of metaphor for modern social issues and interpret this symbolic connotation using the image language and narrative ability of cut-out animation. In applying the traditional art of paper cutting as the style of computer animation, I found that cut-out animation is a narrative and communication medium rich in imagination. Further by adapting the narrative way of the nursery rhyme, I made the nursery rhyme “Sai-Pak-Hōo” better accepted by the public by employing visual and audio stimulation and the charm of dynamic images. Amid continual interpretation by modern artistic society of the textual meanings, the old nursery rhyme changes its form and integrates into new meanings, causing the public to reflect on where they are. That also passes on the mutually-helping spirit of Taiwan’s traditional society and further gives traditional arts a new look.


22.E.H. Gombrich(1994)。《The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art. 》。Phaidon Press。
1.康原(1994)。《台灣囝仔歌的故事(二) 》。臺北市:自立晚報社文化出版部。
