  • 學位論文


Brassier-styled Tattoo Design – Theme of Female body project

指導教授 : 趙樹人


人們經常透過身體改造的方式表達自身感受,而此方式發展行之多年。進行身體計畫方法不外乎藉由身體外觀之改造,其中包含刺青藝術、人體彩繪、穿洞、整形、服裝、化妝等,對於身體外觀之更動,以期達到宗教、文化、自我滿足之意義。早期刺青文化多數應用於犯罪、種族、幫派等標記,且其因與疼痛忍受相關,也間接被納入於英勇行為,因此過去屬於男性所獨佔。當女性「越界」進行刺青行為則會被視為對於異性戀父權之挑戰,也容易遭致惡意挑釁與議論,淪為父權文化下不服從、叛逆、不夠溫馴之批評對象。雖然隨著近年社會思想較為開放,刺青行為也逐漸因傳播媒體興盛,而朝時尚藝術一範疇邁進,但仍不乏有許多思想較為保守者對於刺青抱持負面觀感,尤其對於女性刺青行為更加嗤之以鼻。 本創作議題便是來自筆者在學習刺青期間,親身體會、目睹,女性刺青者在社會中所遭受處境,但也同時了解刺青對於心靈層次的啟發。而今試圖藉由刺青在當代社會廣泛被使用於自我心靈滿足、提昇自信之功能,平衡女性以及刺青兩者互相結合碰撞後,所會面對、產生之議題。也因乳房之於女性有著重要文化、生理、心理特性,所以選擇女性乳房為刺青設計標的,企圖傳達女體為發問主體,而非以一個情色化之客體,進而達到表現自我軀體美好、展現自我自信。如同在乳癌術後傷疤上刺青的女性們都能重獲新生、肯定之我,撇除情色眼光,展現女體之美。


It’s been a long time that people express themselves by means of Body-project including tattoos, body painting, body piercings, plastic surgery, dress, make-up, etc. Furthermore, Body-project indicates that people change their outward appearance and achieve the goal of religion, culture or self-fulfilling. In former times, tattoo-culture was applied to mark with crime, gangs, and ethnicities. Due to the reason showing one could stand for pains, tattoo-culture was regarded as a brave behavior indirectly and this symbol was monopolized by patriarchy. On the other hand, while female tried to go beyond the border, their resistance to patriarchy must be criticized; even be considered as disobedience, rebellion and not docility. Although having tattoos, through mass media, has been transformed into fashion art nowadays, there’re still lots of conservatives having negative impression on feminine tattoos. Based on the experience and the inspiration of learning tattoo in art, we could found that tattoos are used to fill our mentality and elevate our self-confident. Also, breasts are culturally prensentative as physical and psychological features. For conveying the feminist subjectivity and making a balance among predicaments existing in feminines and tattoos, we, thus, will discuss how women recovering from breast cancer can get rebirth and confidence after their scars from surgeries are covered with tattoos. In stead of viewing in erotica, our goal will present the pure beauty of females.


• Iris Marion young著,2007,《像女孩一樣丟球:論女性身體經驗》(On Female Body Experience: ”Throwing Like a Girl” and Other Essays),(何定照譯),商周出版社。
• Michael Atkinson,2003,《Tattooed: The Sociogenesis of a Body Art》,多倫多大學
• 黃聆珺,2009,〈紋化故事-台灣文化迷思於女性紋身圖案的運用設計〉,朝楊科技大學設計研究所碩士論文
一、 專書:
• 潘健華,2014,《荷衣蕙帶:中西內衣文化》,三聯出版社。
