  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Preference Degree for Game Apps Based on Brainwave

指導教授 : 姜琇森


隨著智慧型手機的普及,帶動了各式各樣的行動應用程式蓬勃發展,根據全球最大的行動應用程式商業情報平台App Annie的統計指出,在2018年全球應用程式收入排行榜前52名的發行商中以遊戲發行商佔據最大比例,由此可見遊戲類App(Application)仍是獲利的主流。 在App Store與Google Play等平台皆有排行榜以及評分機制,然而部分行動應用程式發行商為了提高App的能見度,常使用「刷榜」之行為來提升App在排行榜中的排名或藉此來打壓競爭對手所發行的App,但此行為已帶來許多負面的影響。另外,目前App Store與Google Play等行動應用程式發行平台上的評分機制皆以五個等級來對使用者的喜好程度進行評估,在準確性和代表性方面略嫌不足,同時也較為不客觀。 因此要如何去建立一個客觀並且準確的評分機制是一個值得探討的議題,故本研究將試著發展出以遊戲的各個面向來評估喜好程度的問卷,同時也探討是否能夠透過腦電圖所蒐集到的腦波生理參數去得知使用者的喜好程度,並找出與喜好程度相關聯之極點與特徵值,進一步建立出喜好程度判別之模型,以期望在未來能提供更為客觀、準確的評分機制。


腦電圖 喜好程度 遊戲App


Rapid smart phone adoption has driven a thriving market for a wide range of mobile apps. According to statistics of App Annie, the world’s largest commercial intelligence platform for mobile apps, mobile game publishers dominate global mobile app revenue. While the Apple App Store and Google Play provide rankings and scoring mechanisms for mobile apps, these mechanisms are vulnerable to manipulation by publishers seeking to artificially raise the profile of their products. Moreover, the five-star rating system used by both the App Store and Google Play results in low accuracy and highly subjective rankings. Establishing an objective and accurate scoring mechanism for mobile apps would be of use to both publishers and consumers. Previous studies on the evaluation of preference degree have seldom used brainwave measurements for preference quantification. This paper measures physiological brainwaves to identify pole points and characteristic values related to preference degree as a basis for future research.


EEG preference degree game app


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