  • 學位論文


A Study on Switching Intention of Insurance Practitioners to Corporation of Insurance Brokers on the Push-Pull-Mooring Theory

指導教授 : 張瑞益


近年來,保險資訊日漸透明化,保險的銷售通路也趨向多元,因此,消費者不 再對單一保險公司或保險業務員保有忠誠度,取而代之的是,誰能以合理的保費、 適當的商品組合給予保戶最大的保障,就能擄獲客戶的心。因此對保險從業人員而 言,轉換跑道至保險經紀人公司,或許更能貼近消費者需求,設計更完善的保險規 劃。 本研究運用人口遷徙理論中的「推力 - 拉力 - 維繫力模型」,解釋影響保險 從業人員轉換或駐留於原公司的決定因素,進而探究最終的轉換行為。透過問卷調 查收回 360 位保險從業人員資料,以結構方程模式檢測假說。研究結果發現,推 力、拉力及維繫力對轉換意圖皆具有顯著影響,此外,維繫力對於推力及拉力與轉 換意圖間的關聯性,皆具有顯著的調節作用。建議保險公司對於企業經營理念及制 度上應更為員工著想以及增加佣金酬勞來降低保險從業人員轉換,同時,保持好教 育訓練制度以及優化組織發展制度,進而抑制阻隔保險從業人員產生轉換意圖。


In recent years, insurance information has become more and more transparent, and insurance practitioner channels have become more diversified. Therefore, consumers no longer have loyalty to a single insurance company or insurance salesperson. Instead, who can provide reasonable premiums and appropriate product combinations. Giving policyholders the greatest protection can capture the hearts of consumers. Therefore, for insurance practitioners, switching the runway to an insurance broker company may be closer to the needs of consumers and design a better insurance plans. This study applies the "push-pull-mooring switching model" in human migration theory to explain the determinants that affect insurance practitioners to switch or stay in the original company, and then explore the final switching behavior. The data of 360 insurance practitioners were collected through a questionnaire survey, and the hypothesis was tested by the structural equation model. The results of the study found the pushing force, the pulling force and the mooring force all had a significant effect on the switching intention. In addition, the mooring force had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between the pushing force and the pulling force on the switching intention. It is suggested that insurance companies should be more considerate of employees and increase commissions in terms of business philosophy and systems to reduce insurance practitioners to switching. At the same time, they should maintain a good education and training system and optimize the organizational development system, thereby inhibiting the intention of blocking insurance practitioners from producing switching intention.


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