  • 學位論文


The driving factors on consumption of books via interactive media

指導教授 : 王兆華


媒體是資訊流通的傳播媒介,由於科技日新月異,使得媒體的訊息與創意表現皆超脫傳統單向度的傳達形式。而?位媒體的無限想像?與互動特性,正符合當前以消費者為中心的思考模式與特質。就互動媒體而言,其為消費者、產品與行銷人員帶?新型態的多向溝通模式與績效,因此,書籍的行銷應該可以運用互動媒體來強化文化消費的核心訊息。   目前書籍推廣的手法,仍以平面文宣為主,再搭配網路或展場的視覺媒體進行廣告。為了探討互動媒體在書籍行銷的推動變因,本研究選擇意境深遠的古典詩歌做為出版內容,藉助情境分析法分析主題情境因子,再將其轉化為互動媒體設計的內容元件,並以擴增實境做為互動展演形式。實證上,於公共展示空間設置互動展演媒體,並搭配實體書籍以強化其媒體資訊,從而模擬出書籍推廣的創新服務展場。體驗者透過擴增實境裝置,與媒體內容產生互動,可以深入體會書籍所詮釋的古典詩歌情境元素,進而帶來愉悅的互動感受。   為了釐清媒體傳達與閱聽者消費模式的互動變因,本研究藉由問卷調查法,在體驗者操作互動展演媒體後,輔以問卷調查與訪談,藉以分析受測者對媒體使用的滿意度,並探究其對書籍行銷的影響因素。 本研究發現與結論: 1. 在書籍展場中,擴增實境能準確地傳達書籍內容的情境元素,是一種新穎有趣的多媒體資訊工具。 2. 擴增實境的技術能提升消費者、書籍與銷售人員三者間的互動性。 3. 運用科技的創新服務有助提升書籍的品牌形象。 4. 在書籍行銷層面,AR 展演媒體影響消費者的決策過程,尤其是資料收集與方案評估。


A media is the middleware of information communication. According to the advancement of technology, digital media makes the possibility of unlimited imagination and interaction, and fits in with the consumer-oriented thinking patterns and characteristics at present. Interactive media brings a new style of multi-mode communication among consumer, product and marketing staff. Therefore, the marketing of books can use interactive media to strengthen the key information of the cultural consumption. Now, the popularized tactics of books is still by printing advertisement in mainly and then is assisted with internet advertising and visual media in showroom. In order to investigate the driving factors on consumption of books via interactive media, we opt for the classical poetry with the artistic conception to be far-reaching as the publishing content. We rely on situational design methodology to analyze the situation factors, to covert the components of this media content via augmented reality. By way of constructing an interactive performance device and showing a paper-book in a showroom, we simulate an innovative service to promote the publication with the performing media of augmented reality. The users can experience the profound poetry by the media and paper-book, and then obtain pleasure experience. In order to distinguish the driving factors on consumption of books via interactive media, we investigated the issues by questionnaire survey method. After the users experienced the interactive media and finished the questionnaire investigation and interview. We analyzed the users’ satisfaction and discussed the driving factors on consumption of books. The following is the conclusion of the thesis: 1. In the exhibition of books, augmented reality can accurately communicate the content of book. 2. Augmented reality can enhance interaction among the consumers, books and marketing staff. 3. To use innovative technology services will enhance the brand of books. 4. In the book marketing area, AR performance media will influence consumer’s decision-making process, especially in data collection and evaluation of alternatives.


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