  • 學位論文


A Study of Logotype Design on Taiwan Fashion Magazine

指導教授 : 劉建成


在人們精神生活當中以印刷媒體表現為主的「雜誌」,一直通過它傳達訊息、散播思想、提供娛樂等各項功能,給人們帶來許多精神的補給與養分。而追求流行與熱愛時髦是人類天性的一部份,且在工業革命以後大量生產的推動下,更使得「擁抱時尚」不再是遙不可及的奢華幻想,所以「時尚雜誌」的應勢而生是可想見的、可理解的。 而人類與其他動物的最大區別表現在人們可以利用抽象的語言文字來表達觀念情感,運用文字的象徵性來記錄歷史的演化過程,文字可說是人類文化系統裡最顯著的特徵。在設計的範疇中,文字主要扮演著的意義傳播的角色,輔助影像的直接表現意涵,精準地強化概念的傳達,但文字本身的造型特色,也常常是設計表現的重點,如標準字的普遍推廣應用,就是最好的力證。如企業形象、唱片主題、戲曲節目等,皆有它出現的蹤跡,可見行銷環節中標準字的設計運用,已是一種相當普遍地成熟的觀念。 本研究試圖通過文獻分析與風格表現調查的研究方法,探討台灣時尚雜誌刊名標準字設計的現況、未來發展的空間與方向,並與世界時尚的主流且影響台灣深遠的歐美、日本的時尚雜誌做對照比較,分析、綜合、歸納台灣時尚雜誌在刊名標準字的設計表現的特色與趨勢。本研究結果有數點:一、台灣雜誌標準字的設計趨勢在各類別的標準字中皆有不同的表現與特性;二、刊名標準字設計中台灣時尚雜誌常依訴求屬性差異而有所不同;三、語系使用上,台灣時尚雜誌刊名標準字以英文居多且以橫式構成為主;四、與歐美與日本相較,台灣時尚雜誌刊名標準字在風格上面貌更多元,表現手法的也較豐富;五、台灣時尚雜誌刊名標準字的演變深受時空因素的影響。 另外,研究者體認出台灣時尚雜誌雖也有某些特色,但受限於台灣市場本身的狹窄,發行量始終無法突破,且在全球國際化趨勢的競爭下,將使本土的時尚雜誌近似無特色的透明化,所以惟有加強在地文化的特色化推廣,台灣時尚雜誌產業加入世界的競爭行列,才有看見曙光的明天。


標準字 雜誌 時尚


Printing media displays a leading role in people's life, the magazine, and it also transmits information, disseminates the thought, and offers amusement. Magazine supplies and nutrients a lot of people’s spiritual life, because people pursuing pop culture and loving fashionable trend is a human nature. After producing in a large amount of goods during the industrial revolution, it makes that embracing fashion to be no longer not just a luxurious illusion, so ' fashion magazine ' it grows to be. Word is the most obviously character in the human culture system. People can use languages to express their mind and to record into history. It is the most difference between human and animal. In the graphic design field, words transmit meanings, assist image, and strengthen a concept. The modeling of word always becomes a character in the graphic design, as logotype. Moreover, the image of business, the topic of album, and the name of TV show all can find out the existence, so logotype is a widespread concept to use for marketing. This research uses the way to attempt to analyze the documents and to investigate style of displaying. It confers the way to use logotype in the fashion magazine at recent year and in the future. It also compares the logotype using in Taiwan’s magazine with using in Europe, America, and Japan’s magazines, and find out the characteristic and the tendency especially for Taiwan’s fashion magazine. The result of this research: 1The way to use logotype in Taiwan’s fashion magazine has difference representation and characteristic in different kinds of logotypes. 2 The logotype of the name of Taiwan’s fashion magazine would change for the difference of customer’s attribute. 3 The title of Taiwan’s magazine always use in English. 4 The usage of the logotype in Taiwan’s magazine compare with Europe, America, and Japan’s magazines have more diversity and vivacious. 5 The development of logotype in Taiwan’s magazine had influence by time and space. In addition, researcher recognizes that there are some characteristics in the fashion magazine of Taiwan, but that is limited for the market of Taiwan. The circulation is unable to grow. Under the global internationalized trend, the Taiwan’s fashion magazine will become transparent characteristic. Only the magazine enhances the native culture so that the publishing will be flourishing, and the fashion magazine industry in Taiwan will be competitive in the international market.


Logotype Magazine Fashion


2.Beetham, M.,1996,A magazine of her own? domesticity and desire in the woman’s magazine, 1800-1914. London & New York: Routledge.
