  • 學位論文

基督教會教堂空間改造設計 -以臺中柳原基督長老教會古蹟教堂為例

The Research and Design of Christian Church - Taichung Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Historical Church

指導教授 : 林盛宏


本設計研究以臺中地區教堂發展歷史最為悠久的柳原基督長老教堂古蹟教堂內部空間為研究對象,將其以展演空間呈現。設計內容中為重新檢視教堂空間的本質及意義,並重新將教堂開放給所有居民體驗及了解台灣基督教之背景。探討人與環境互動中,人對教堂空間所產生心理層面的認知及感觀,因空間、環境、人文背景及型態的不同,影響使用者對於教堂空間內涵會有不同的空間認知結果。本設計依據相關文獻及現地勘查研究方式,以柳原教堂古蹟教堂建築空間歷史沿革為主要依據,整理出內部空間認知形容詞彙,配合展演空間之設計,重新規劃及模擬柳原教堂古蹟教堂內部空間。 本設計探討議題如下:  基督教在台灣的演變過程。  依據現況實地勘查古蹟教堂基地周遭及室內使用環境之比較。  藉由前述二點整理分析及規畫模擬設計,詮釋古蹟教堂以及賦予其第二 空間。


This research design base on the historic church in Taichung Taichung Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Historical Church, present it as an Exhibition show case hall. Design element base on the content of church interior space, experiencing and understanding the background of Taiwan Christianity church to the civilians. Discusses the interaction of people and environment, people who have psychological aspect and impaction with the church space, due to the different perspective of space、environment and culture, which influence visitors to have different cognitive results of church space. Relevant literature of this research design consider site research and analysis, base on the evolution of Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Historical Church space and architecture, manage the cognition of interior space, with the design of exhibition show case hall, reorganize and simulation design the Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Historical Church. Following discussion as:  Development of Christianity church in Taiwan.  Comparison and site analysis the relationship of interior and exterior with site studying.  Base on the above discussion, reorganize and stimulate the space of Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Historical Church.


1. 賴永祥, (荷蘭時期住台牧師名錄) (荷人教化所及的平埔社) (殖民地宣教師的角色),收入氏著「教堂史話」第一輯
(台南:人光出版社,1990 年),P.115~118 ,139~140。
2. 徐謙信主編,『台灣基督長老教堂百年史』, (台南:台灣基督長老教堂,1965 年6 月出版,1995 年3 月三版),P.2~3。
3. 湯錦台,「前進福爾摩沙-十七世紀大航海年代的台灣」,(台北:貓頭鷹出版,2001 年),P.224。
4. 賴永祥, (天主教傳入台灣),收入氏著「教堂史話」第一輯 (台南:人光出版社,1990 年),P.143~145。


