  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on New and Old Business Models of Knitwear Dyeing and Finishing Industry in Taiwan Following the Change of Business Environment

指導教授 : 賴明弘


染整業主要通過化學或物理的方法對紡織品進行處理的過程,綜合性強,與紡織密不可分。而染整業非一成不變,畢竟40多年來台灣商業環境有許多基本的改變。關於針織染整業的相關研究,主要著眼於產業面與技術層面,探討分析不同生產排程、經營策略、或產業價值鏈的研究。甚少針對針織染整業的商業模式進行探討研究,形成了影響台灣針織染整業商業模式的研究缺口。 本研究以Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010) 所提出之商業模式理論,結合商業環境變化之觀點,採取多個案比較研究方法。選取儒鴻、大統、台群作為機能類型的針織染整業龍頭、針織染整業的梭織龍頭、以及針織染整代工龍頭的三種不同型態的代表企業。藉由商業模式各構面探討台灣針織染整業在商業環境變化下,其新舊商業模式各是如何運作的,各有何不同。 研究結果針對針織染整業商業環境的改變,本研究共歸類出10大點,再針對這些改變,發展出新的商業模式的關鍵, 而這些關鍵最主要的就在於客戶的演變,不論的客戶的想法改變,組成改變,在在都影響了針織染整業的商業模式。Osterwalder & Pigneur(2010)的商業模式視「客戶」為商業模式中最重要的部分,著重可以為特定的目標客層,創造出價值的整體解決方案,此一理論觀點也符合了染整業所要傳遞的企業精神與社會價值。


Dyeing and finishing industry mainly through chemical or physical methods for the processing of textiles, comprehensive, and textile inseparable. And dyeing and finishing industry is not static, after all, 40 years of Taiwan's business environment has many basic changes. The research on knitting dyeing and finishing industry mainly focuses on the industrial and technical aspects, and explores the analysis of different production schedules, business strategies, or industrial value chains. Rarely for the knitting dyeing and finishing industry business model to explore the formation of the impact of Taiwan knitting dyeing and finishing industry business model research gap. In this study, Osterwalder & Pigneur proposed business model theory, combined with the perspective of changes in business environment, to take a number of comparative study of the case. Selected Confucian hong, the system, the Taiwan group as the functional type of knitting dyeing and finishing industry leading, knitting dyeing and finishing industry of the woven faucet, as well as knitting dyeing and finishing of the three different types of representatives of the enterprise. Through the business model of the facets to explore Taiwan's knitting dyeing and finishing industry in the business environment changes, the old and new business model is how the operation, and what is the difference. The results of the study for the knitting dyeing and finishing industry business environment changes, the study cited a total of 10 points, and then for these changes, the development of a new business model of the key, and these key is the most important customer's evolution, regardless of Changes in customer's minds, changes in composition, have influenced the business model of knitting dyeing and finishing industry. The business model of Osterwalder & Pigneur (2012) is the most important part of the business model, focusing on the overall solution that creates a value for a particular target demographics. This theoretical view also meets the needs of the dyeing and finishing industry for entrepreneurial spirit and social value.


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