  • 學位論文


Applying Shared-creation Method to Improve Communication of Children with Disabilities

指導教授 : 吳銜容


五年的工作經驗,研究者伴讀一位自閉症重度的男孩、一位極重度自閉症的大男孩和他情緒障礙的姊姊,也在國中集中式特教班擔任教師助理員,協助三十幾位身障類別不同的學生。研究者以設計系的角度與思維來解讀在特教領域的見聞,看似平凡的溝通,在特教生群裡更顯得可貴。溝通,除了最直接的口說外,這群孩子面對先天缺陷上,是否能用其他方式來表達所需與想法;而旁人如何讀懂他們的心思,為彼此增進溝通效率,經由互動溝通帶來進步的情感交流,此為本研究主要目的。 本創作分成兩個部分進行。一是藉由研究者與個案,進行一對一、一對二共同創作,創作內容從無到有,依個案喜好與能力而訂定主題和媒材,讓口語能力偏低弱的特殊生嘗試多講多表達。另一則是研究者與特教班三十一位學生進行「為自己上色」的美勞課,學生將畫有自己的素描圖像上色。兩個部分的創作目的在於不設限繪圖過程,沒有終極目標圖像,經由陪伴引導,研究者得以從繪畫表現、說詞、互動反應來瞭解學生內心更多層面。期望藉由學生自由發揮的揮灑,達成創作即溝通。


The author has accompanied children with Autism (AS) and emotional disorders in these five years. In the mean time, the author also works as a teaching assistant in the special education class of a junior high school to help thirty-one students with disability. “Communication” in life is normal but precious to these children with disability. In the study, design skills combined with the experience of special education are applied to a shared-creation approach which lets children get more opportunities and courage to express themselves. It aims at connecting people and these children to know each other. As a result, it’s expected to see that children with disability are able to have confidence in joining this society. The proposed share-creation method had two sections. The first section was one-to-one co-creation between the author and two children in the special education class respectively. We drew and talked during the share-creation activity to make chance and environment for “communication”. The other one was the thirty-one students colored themselves on the illustration paper. Instead of the result of drawing, the goal of these two sections was recording the process of drawing and company. Let students know that they could no doubt draw and express themselves. As a result of this share-creation experiment, successful communication could be achieved between students and teachers.


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