  • 學位論文


A Theoretical Study Using The “Cittaslow" Design Concept for the “Lu-Chuan" Urban Riverfront Space Regeneration in Taichung city.

指導教授 : 林盛宏


從蒸汽機發明以來世界的發展便開始加速。過度都市化使人的活動空間越來越小、生活節奏越來越快,在這樣的生活環境裡人們無法盡情享受生活的美好。近年來,人們開始「反思」現代快速與高壓力的社會,對我們造成生理和心理的影響,並嘗試放慢生活的速度、享受生活的樂趣;「慢城」的概念由此誕生。 水是萬物之母,也是人類文明發展的起源,城市的發展與形成與河川有著密切的關係。在台中,有許多河川流經市中心;城市擁有一條河流,印象中應該是一件美妙的事情,例如:巴黎的塞納河、日本的隅田川和美國的聖安東尼奧河,它們的存在為城市景觀增色不少!但今天,隨著都市化與生活方式的轉變,城市裡的河川早已淪為「排水溝」,進而導致人與水的關係疏離。 因此,本研究目的是藉由「慢城」概念,探討中市綠川河岸空間再生,創造一個漫遊場所;藉由設計實踐,讓人們可以調整步伐、改變心態,重新找回生活的樂趣。


慢城 綠川 開放空間 空間再生


Since the steam engine is invented the development of the world has begun to accelerate. Excessive urbanization makes people's activity life range smaller. The rhythm of life is getting faster. People can't enjoy the happiness of life heartily in such a living environment. In recent years, People begin to review modernly and fast. The society of the high pressure causes the influence of the physiology and psychology on us. And try to slow down the speed of life and enjoy life. The concept of " Cittaslow " was born from this. Water is muther of everything. Also a origin of human development of civilization. There are close relationship with the rivers and creeks in the development and forming of urban. In Taichung, river flow through the center of the city. It's a beautiful thing that river cross over a city. For example: Seine River of Paris, Sumida of Japan, and Saint Antony river of USA, which give so much credit of city landscape. But today, with the transitions of urbanization and life style. The rivers and creeks in the city become“The Ditch". Which causes the fact of relation between rivers, creeks and people is estranged. Therefore, the purpose of this research is with the concept of Cittaclow, discuss the evolution of Lu-Chuan urban riverfront space regeneration, and create a roaming space. By designing practice, change the life style, mind storming, and rediscover the joys of life.


Cittaslow Lu-Chuan Open space Space regeneration


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