  • 學位論文


Develop Mobile Learning App: Basic Makeup Technique As The Example

指導教授 : 黃國峰


隨著資訊科技的進步,人類的生活型態逐漸改變,舉凡生活休閒娛樂、社交及教育等,都可以透過電腦與網路來完成。教育部推動資訊科技融入教學也有多年,近來在行動裝置發展迅速與使用普及的帶動下,也使得行動學習成為目前最新一代的學習趨勢。   近幾年隨著國民經濟生活水準的提昇,社會觀念的改變,人們對於外表日益重視等因素,使得化妝品的消費金額提昇,對於彩妝學習的需求也增加。因應時代潮流,教材的設計也應配合目前市場最新科技設備使用需求,本研究以基礎彩妝教學為主,使用Dreamweaver軟體結合Android SDK(Software development kit ) 及JavaScript語法,來開發Android系統行動載具適用之應用程式課程教材,並使用FLASH軟體、PHP程式及MySQL資料庫開發課後隨堂測驗,以即時回饋的方式來增加課程的互動性,提高同學的學習動機,將APP教材當作課後或是自我學習的輔助工具,達到無所不在學習的目的。   本研究使用前測及後測的方式進行實驗,前測是利用紙本題庫進行筆試,後測採用線上題庫及問卷調查的方式。研究對象以大學生及研究生為主,年齡介於18至30歲之間共30位女性同學。經由問卷調查之第一部分基本資料將受測者分為無彩妝學習經驗及有彩妝學習經驗二個群族,二者在課程學習後成績都有提昇,但有彩妝學習經驗者進步幅度比較大。問卷的第二部分是對應用程式的教材內容設計、學習使用動機及成效等三個構面,利用李克特量表進行滿意度評估。最後本研究由統計結果,針對教材設計與製作提出相關改進與建議,以做為未來進行類似課程之參考。


With the advancement of information technology has gradually changed human lifestyle, such as recreation, social intercourse and education. The Ministry of Education had implementing integrate information technology into education has been encouraged for years. With the mobile device have been developed rapidly and became prevalent has changed human learning types gradually. Mobile learning currently become the newest learning generation trend already. In recent years, with the progress of living level has changing people’s social attitude. People pay more attention to their appearance, raising the consumption amount of cosmetic, the learning needs of make-up also increased. The design of materials should also meet the needs of the latest technology devices. In this study, we developed an APP for markup learning. In order to increase interactive programs to improve students' learning motivation by immediate feedback ways. The APP as after-school textbook or self-study aids can achieve a ubiquitous learning environment, where the user can launch learning activity at any time and any place. In this study, the author utilized pre-test and post-test experiments; the pre-test was conducted written exam paper, and the post-test utilized online quizzes and questionnaires.The participants of subjects included undergraduate and graduate students aged between 18 to 30. The first part of the basic information of the subjects via by questionnaire survey were divided into two groups, one had makeup learning experience and the other none. Both groups had scores improved after course, but the group who had makeup learning experience had obvious progress. The second part of the questionnaire was used Likert scale satisfaction assessment to investigate the design of the mobile learning APP, the motivation of using, and learning effects. Lastly, the finding indicated that relevant improvements of the teaching materials and design can be used for reference when designing similar curriculum in the future.


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