  • 學位論文


Exploring Students’ Learning Intention based on Technology Acceptance Model and Innovation Diffusion Theory

指導教授 : 張謀得 陳牧言


為了讓自己保有競爭優勢及不被社會所淘汰,不斷的學習是必要的。所謂活到老學到老,只有讓自己維持終身學習,才能跟得上知識與社會經濟發展的腳步。在這個知識爆炸的學習時代,如何有效快速的學習,成了人們追求的目標。而數位學習是指數位技術與學習的結合,教學資源的管理與分享,透過現今發達的網路環境,學習者可以不受時空等外在條件的限制,依自己的喜好自主地學習。 Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)是一個開放原始碼的學習管理系統(Learning Management System, LMS),可以簡易地建構一個免費、易用的線上多人學習的數位平台。由於目前中小學,礙於教育經費不多,能採用的數位教學平台相當有限,故採用自由軟體(Free Software)似乎是一個比較好的選擇,而Moodle系統正好滿足這樣的需求。 科技接受模式( Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)與創新擴散理論(Diffusion of Innovations Theory, DIT) 目前已廣泛地被運用在各個領域的研究中,本研究擬以科技接受模式以及創新擴散理論來探討影響小學生對Moodle數位學習平台的接受模式及採用的創新決策過程,進而如何影響學習意願。研究結果可做為小學資訊教育建議及欲導入Moodle系統或開發、修改時的一個參考。


For keeping the competitive strengths and not being outdated, continuous learning is necessary. As the saying goes, it’s never too old to learn. Only by continuous learning, people can follow the growth of knowledge and social economy. In this knowledge explosion learning era, how to learn fast becomes a goal for learners to go after. E-Learning is an integration of digital technology and learning methods; it manages and shares the variety of teaching resources. Through today’s already developed internet environment, people are learning according to their own interests without constraints on space-time and other external conditions. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) is an open source coded learning management system (LMS). It can easily construct a free, easy to use online learning digital platform. Because of funding constraints, choices of digital teaching platform for current secondary and elementary schools are limited. Thus, free software seems to be a better choice for them, and Moodle can just satisfy this kind of needs. Technology Acceptance Model and Diffusion of Innovations Theory today have been widely applied in all areas’ studies. And this study plans will use TAM and DIT to discuss the influences on elementary school student’s acceptance of Moodle e-learning platform and the process of making innovation decisions, and for a further step to investigate how it affects student’s learning intention. Study results can be used to make suggestions for elementary school’s IT education and also serve as references for importing, developing, or amending Moodle system.


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