  • 學位論文

Pokémon GO黏著度之前因探討

Exploring the factors of Pokémon GO stickiness

指導教授 : 蕭國倫


隨著行動遊戲的多樣化,玩家如今擁有了更多的遊戲選擇權,使得玩家容易接受或拋棄任何一款行動遊戲,因此行動遊戲如何留住玩家是個嚴峻的挑戰。Pokémon GO是一款結合AR與LBS技術的行動遊戲,自2016年7月推出以來,在全球各地引起強烈地迴響並且取得多項紀錄,但隨著時間的推進,Pokémon GO的熱潮已有逐漸退燒之趨勢。玩家對於遊戲的高黏著度會促使他們有較高的機率去購買商品、服務與觀看廣告,為此本研究找出影響Pokémon GO黏著度的因素,藉此了解玩家對於Pokémon GO的看法,幫助其行動遊戲開發商針對其遊戲內容與服務品質等項目進行改進,以提高玩家對於Pokémon GO的黏著度。本研究以沉浸、服務品質與滿意度為基礎發展模型與假設,進而調查影響Pokémon GO的黏著度的前因為何。研究資料透過網路問卷的方式蒐集,並使用AMOS、SmartPLS與SPSS軟體對研究資料和模型進行驗證,其研究結果證實,遊戲沉浸前因中的遠距臨場感、挑戰、控制與好奇對於沉浸皆具有正向的顯著關聯性;服務品質中的感知即時性對於滿意度具有正向的顯著關聯性,而感知準確性與感知回應性對於滿意度則無顯著的關聯性;滿意度與沉浸對於黏著度具有正向的顯著關聯性。此外,本研究還發現性別、年齡、平台、玩行動遊戲的經驗、是否花錢在Pokémon GO上共五個控制變因皆顯著地影響黏著度,而性別與平台顯著地影響滿意度。本研究的結果與討論有助於了解如何提升玩家對於行動遊戲的黏著度,可供學者及行動遊戲開發商參考。


With the development of augmented reality (AR) and location-based service (LBS) technology, more and more companies begin to provide AR and LBS-related services and mobile games. Therefore, how to enhance users’ intention to use the services is an important issue. In particular, Pokémon GO is one of the most popular AR and LBS-related mobile games. The purpose of this research is to provide an improved understanding of what motivates smartphone users to play Pokémon GO and spend more time on the game. This research proposes a research model based on Flow Theory, incorporating service quality factors about AR and LBS, to explore the game stickiness intention. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using a web survey of mobile game players. The causal models will be validated using SmartPLS, SPSS, and AMOS software. The analysis results showed that flow and satisfaction had strong effect on the game stickiness intention. The results found that telepresence, challenge, control, and curiosity positively affected flow. Moreover, perceived currency positively influenced LBS satisfaction. However, perceived accuracy and perceived responsiveness did not affect the satisfaction. With regard to control variables, gender, mobile phone operating systems, mobile game experience, and payment behavior also significantly influenced the stickiness intention. Further insights into AR and LBS mobile game app marketing strategies will be provided as well.


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