  • 學位論文


Design Bias Caused by Labelling under Taiwan’s Multicultural Environment

指導教授 : 連德仁


多元文化是帶動社會進步與發展的動力,進而影響多元文化思維產物。歲月更替時光流轉,在臺灣這塊美麗的土地上曾有多國文化在此駐留,不論延續與否皆存有文化足跡與脈絡,透由歷史爬梳發現,設計脈絡是由美術基底而來,幾經文化堆疊造就現今臺灣多元文化的寶貴資產,正因為臺灣可以同時擁有這麼多不同文化共存,才能創造出新的文化視野高度。 當文化不再是一元獨大而是多元共存,對於文化既定的刻板印象不該是強化優劣,而是該認同差異突顯多元。文化偏見常來自於種族、性別、性取向、宗教、政治…等等,本研究欲從心理學與社會學觀點為定錨學理,藉由文獻蒐集以宏觀的角度試探不同時期之歷史脈絡,從中探討臺灣多元文化於設計領域上之察古知今,運用焦點團體的交流討論和專家學者的深度訪談,對於文化之底蘊,設計之思維發展,是否延續影響著現今的創意發想。另探求於設計思維是否因固化標籤,進而對設計存有偏見之境。 經研究分析結果發現,臺灣多元文化對設計領域並無直接影響關係,而因社會環境與教育文化的傳承影響了文化認知定義不同,不論是設計操作手法裡的經驗法則、或是隨著主流社會價值觀所影響的從眾效應、亦或文化局限等,在設計領域中偏見的存在只因是個人主觀態度與消費者文化習慣上的不同。於此,希冀藉由此研究之初探,對於設計領域之先河迸發出新的見解與建議,也期望日後對設計思維創意有所貢獻與提昇。


Cultural diversity is a driving force for the development and progress of a society and influences products originating from a society’s thinking style based on cultural diversity. Cultures from many countries have been brought into Taiwan over time and left their footprints on this beautiful island, constructing unique cultural contexts. The historical review shows that design context derives from arts. The cultural diversity formed through the encountering and mixing of various cultures can be regarded as a valuable asset to Taiwan and facilitates the expansion of cultural horizon of Taiwanese people. As a society has no longer been dominated by one culture but encompasses diverse cultures, the cultural stereotypes should not be used to reinforce the superiority and inferiority of different cultures but to recognize cultural differences and highlight the uniqueness of specific cultures. Cultural bias is developed typically based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and politics. Adopting psychology and sociology as anchors, this study examined the historical contexts at various time periods from a macro perspective through literature review to investigate the role of cultural diversity in the design field over time. Focus group discussion and in-depth interviews with experts and scholars were conducted to understand whether the cultural heritage and the development of design thinking continue to influence the creative thinking in today’s society. Whether the design thinking involves cultural bias because of fixed labels and stereotypes was also explored. The analysis results showed that the cultural diversity in Taiwan does not directly influence the design field. The definition of cultural cognition is influenced by the inheritance of cultures through social environment and education. Regardless of the rule of thumb in design operations, the herd behavior influenced by the mainstream social value, or cultural limitations, the existence of cultural bias in the design field is only due to consumers’ subjective attitudes and different cultural habits. Therefore, the preliminary exploration of this study was expected to provide new insights and suggestions for the design field and make contributions to the future development of creative design thinking.


Multicultural Labeling Design Bias


朱怡康(譯)(2017)。偏見地圖1:繪製成見。(原作者:Yanko Tsvetkov)。新北市:遠足文化。
吳松林(譯)(2016)。烏合之眾:大眾心理研究。(原作者:Gustave Le Bon)。新北市:華志文化。
