  • 學位論文


Development of Robotic Process Automation on Operational Intelligence

指導教授 : 楊東育 李興漢


現今,巨量資料無所不在,如果不能立即獲得分析結果,我們可能會失去競爭力。企業在積極發展商業自動化時,很難在短時間內引進新的技術方案,也很難在立即地重新配置人力資源。機器人流程自働化是一種方便的解決方案,不但能實現電腦軟體和人力的協作,並且還可以快速開發和維護。在本研究中,我們利用自然語言處理分析企業想要獲取的營運資訊,並設計了四個模組來滿足我們的需求。利用指令獲取模組讓使用者下達命令。關鍵字擷取模組讓我們處理指令短句,且通過自訂規則得到關鍵字詞。再利用語意分析模組找出資料的關鍵欄位。隨後,營運智慧分析模組可以利用UiPath軟體自動建立圖表和報表,還可以根據不同種類的指令進行相應的組合匹配。通過自動控制Power BI軟體,我們可以在短時間內呈現即時的報表並可重複尋答以減少資訊傳遞的時間浪費。本研究以機器人流程自働化操作了多種軟體實作問答機器人,提供一個即時獲取營運資訊的服務流程。


Nowadays, big data are remaining everywhere. We may lose competitiveness if not immediately obtain the results of the analysis. When companies are actively developing automation in their businesses, it is difficult to bring new technical solutions or to reallocate human resources in a short time. Robotic Process Automation is a convenient solution for the collaboration of computer software and workforce, and it can also develop and maintain quickly. In this study, we use natural language processing to analyze the operational information that enterprises want to obtain, and we designed four modules to fulfill our needs: Command Acquisition Module, Keyword Extraction Module, Semantic Analysis Module and Operational Intelligence Module. We utilize the Command Acquisition Module for users to give commands. The Keyword Extraction Module lets us process short sentences and retrieves keywords by custom rules. Using the Semantic Analysis Module to find out the key fields of data. After that, the Operational Intelligence Module can automatically create charts and reports by using UiPath software and can also match the appropriate combination according to the different kinds of commands. By automatically controlling Power BI software, we can present real-time reports and repeat answers within a short period to reduce time wasted on information transfer. This study implements a question answering robot that provides a service flow for real-time access to operational information through using Robotic Process Automation operates multiple software.


CKIP Lab中文詞知識庫小組(2020)。詞庫簡介。於2020年07月01日取自https://ckip.iis.sinica.edu.tw。
大野耐一(2011)。追求超脫規模的經營: 大野耐一談豐田生產方式(吳廣洋譯)。臺北市:中衛發展中心。(原著出版年:1978)
