  • 學位論文


A Research on the developing a New Strategies by introducing Innovative Management in Smart Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 鄧穎懋 李秀玲


隨著人口結構的改變、科技的創新及環境的變遷等,各行各業也面臨長期缺工等問題;近年來在科技迅速的發展下,製造業必須優化生產管理機制,提升產業供應鏈靈活應變能力,降低生產成本,並提升供應良率,才能符合目前市場需求。目前台灣製造業在國際間仍算翹楚,如何掌握製造業產業發展、降低成本及關鍵技術,唯有企業核心價值提升才是重要發展的課題。 全球領導力展望報告中針對關鍵企業經營議題,總結出數十項實用並經數據所驗證的建議。包含從數位化的轉型、世代的差異,以及當我們試圖在數位時代建立有效,且可持續的領導力策略,組織願景和文化的重要性等。未來企業在因應智慧製造的導入,如何達到智慧製造最佳化營運模式仍是企業價值提升的新議題,本研究將進行產官學相關研究結果文獻回顧,彙整出智慧製造導入前期之檢核指標及評估項目概念,進而找出智慧製造導入成功關鍵因子,並蒐集創新策略與組織變革研究結果相關指標及問題界定;以及智慧製造世代下所帶來的人才相關問題界定,而後分析歸納後建構 AHP 層級架構,接著進行 AHP 專家問卷調查,在調查上則分為重要性關鍵指標與行動策略優先順序兩個部分,最後根據分析層級法所得之權重結果,進行經營創新策略發展之內涵界定與專家認知差異比較。 研究結果顯示在第三層評估指標中計有 27 項,透過數據的衡量可知,在「職能盤點重要性」中的「動機」對智慧製造導入時專家認為影響最重要,而且與「職能盤點行動策略」中一致;其次為「智慧製造專案規劃重要性關鍵因素」中的「目標設定規劃檢核表」為次重要,在經過全體專家相對權重比較下,專家一致認為,目標設定需精準及明確,才能全體達到共識。而在行動策略中,其次為「智慧製造專案規劃行動策略優先順序關鍵因素」中的「工業 4.0 與自動化差異認知」要先執行,再次印證重要的未必會先執行,最先執行的也未必最重要,但就專業技術背景管理者來說,很容易忽略專案時程行動策略優先順序的規劃,因此造成時間及成本的耗損。 我們再行動策略構面得知,最優先執行的是職能盤點關鍵指標為第一優先順序,再此得知,無論在任何專案啟動時,企業必須就員工職能先做出全面性的盤點,才能做後續專案的執行及規劃,並加速企業長期目標策略的發展。而企業在做創新策略變革時,如何不讓人財流失,讓人財與企業共同成長,擁有共同願景與目標,則必須擬定出一套縝密完善的行動策略,才能創造出雙贏及永續成長的企業價值。


With the change of population structure, the innovation of technology and the change of environment, all products face the problem of chronic shortage of work; In recent years, under the rapid development of technology, to meet the market demand, manufacturing industry must optimize the production management process, while improving the flexibility of the industrial supply and thereby reducing the production cost, and then increase the yield rate of production. How to implement a sound innovative development of manufacturing industry, reduce the cost and develop key technologies as well as improve company’s core value are the main topics for Taiwan’s manufacturing industry. DDI Report summarizing dozens of practical and data-validated recommendations for business management issues demonstrate the critical transformation of digitalization, generation differences, and the characterization of organization vision and culture in order to build effective and sustainable leadership strategies as of now. In the future, in response to the implementation of smart and innovative manufacturing, how to optimize the smart manufacturing operation is a new topic to promote enterprise value.The study examines the literatures of government-industry-university research, and collect the inspection indicators and the evaluation concept as well at the early stage for introducing smart manufacturing, and aims to find out the key factors of successfully introducing the smart manufacturing into business modrk. Based on the findings, the study will define the relevant indicators of the innovation strategy and organizational changes while defining the human resource by smart or intelligent manufacturing. In addition, the study constructs the AHP structure by distributing expert questionnaire. The survey is divided into two parts: importance of key indicators and priority of action strategy based on the AHP weight results. The study also defines the innovative strategy of business while comparing the different expert’s perspectives. There are 27 items in the third-level evaluation indicators. The study shows that, according to the data measurement, "motivation" is considered as the most important index both in "importance of competence” and “action strategy of competence”. Secondly, “target setting planning check list” is of secondary importance in the “key factors of smart manufacturing project planning.” Under the comparison of the relative weights of all experts, to reach the consensus, it infers that the target setting should be precise and clear. On the other side, in the “action strategy of competence”, “difference perspectives between Industry 4.0 and automated production” is of secondary importance in “key factors for prioritization of smart manufacturing project planning action strategy”. By combing the results, the study shows that important factors can not be implemented first, and the first implementation is not necessarily the most important. However, mangers with professional and technical background often ignore the priority of the project action strategy that leads to the waste of time and cost. The study further detect that the action strategy is the top priority to implement the key competence indicator. Based on the said finding, enterprises should make a detailed comprehensive review of employees when the innovative strategy process plan begins to introduce. Then enterprises start to accelerate the development of long-term corporate strategy. When enterprises has changed the innovation strategy, how to avoid the lose of people and money and how to make people grow together with enterprises with the common vision and goals are of the essence for the implementation. The enterprise must formulate a new set of meticulous and perfect innovative strategies to create a win-win situation while maintaining sustainable growth and enterprise value.


