  • 學位論文


Study on Maintaining the Helicopter's avalivility-Taking a Logistics Unit of the National Army as an Example

指導教授 : 洪湘欽


國軍遵循政府「國防自主、擴大內需」政策,推動國防資源釋商已超過 15 年,近年來,後勤委外政策已成為國防自主及全民國防推動之核心策略方向,其中軍機策略性商維產值成長至近年平均約每年新臺幣 100 億元。 然軍機商維之後,鮮少學者以層級分析法來評估探討妥善率問題,故本研究透過文獻回顧之參考,並與各個專家進行訪談,逐漸建構出本研究的 4 個準則架構以及 12 個考量因素。採用層級分析法,針對『維持直升機妥善率』各評選指標的權重探討及評估,透過問卷調查後,整理出每個準則及考量因素之間的權重值。 藉由本研究得知,在所有準則評估中,權重最高的為「料件籌補」,最低的為「人員運用」,顯示國軍人員各階層均認為「料件籌補」仍是『維持直升機妥善率』最重要考量因素,而「人員運用」已不再是最重要考量選項,故後續國軍『維持直升機妥善率』時,應妥善規劃相關配套措施,並事先擬定各項風險管控及緊急應變處理程序,以作為日後國軍維持直升機妥善率之決策依據。


The military government following the "self-defense, expanding domestic demand" policy, to promote the national defense resource provider has released more than 15 years, in recent years, logistics outsourcing has become the core strategic direction of policy to promote the national defense and national self-defense, in which the military aircraft business strategic dimension value In recent years, growing to an annual average of about NT $ 10 billion. However, after military aircraft business maintenance, few scholars used the hierarchical analysis method to evaluate and discuss the issue of goodness. Therefore, this study uses the literature review and interviews with various experts to gradually construct the four criteria framework and 12 considerations factor. The hierarchical analysis method is used to discuss and evaluate the weights of each of the "maintaining helicopter properness" evaluation indicators. After the questionnaire survey, the weight values between each criterion and consideration factors are sorted out. From this study, it is learned that in all the criteria assessment, the highest weight is "material preparation" and the lowest is "personnel use", showing that all levels of the national army personnel believe that "material preparation" is still the most important consideration of "maintaining helicopter proper rate", and that "personnel use" is no longer the most important consideration option, so the follow-up National Army" When maintaining the proper helicopter rate, the relevant supporting measures should be properly planned and various risk control and emergency response procedures should be formulated in advance as the basis for the decision to maintain the proper helicopter rate in the future.


鄧振源、曾國雄,層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與應用(上),中國統計學報,第 27 卷,第 6 期,1989 頁 13707-13724。
鄧振源、曾國雄,層級分析法(AHP)的內涵特性與應用(下),中國統計學報,第 27 卷,第 7 期,1989,頁 13767-13870。
黃瑞琴,質的教育研究法。臺北市:心理出版社,1997 年。
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