  • 學位論文


Using digital menu generating system to improve kitchen efficiency in limited budgets-in case of Zhong-Hua battalion in 202 Military Police Command

指導教授 : 吳有龍


軍隊運作不論是位於的一線上任務的執行或內部的管理等,皆須仰賴後勤單位各種重要的支持,其中飲食更是基礎中的基礎,所以伙房作業的流程、效率更是我等不可忽視的重要環節。近年來因應國軍推動精實化等相關政策,在各項環節中勢必要做質的提升,是故本研究針對伙房這般重要的運作環節,便開始企圖討論在各項流程中,運作效率要如何提升,才能將每一份有限的經費,在最適當的人力下,有好的展現。若基石的運作能更加穩健及有效率,那對大團隊的運作則有必然的加分效果。 談及伙房相關流程的運作,其環節有伙食費預算編列運用、菜單編列、食材選購、配送及食材處理烹飪。又本研究將上述步驟區分為機械式與非機械式的步驟,其中伙食費預算編列運用、菜單編列兩步驟,於以往人工方式運作皆有類似機械式重複操作的特性,過程中再回顧到相關生產效率理論、管理理論及決策理論,討論背後增益的各種可能性後,因此本研究導入E化的概念,開始針對人工操作中相關的需求特性,編寫模組化電子菜單系統,編寫程式的過程成中,本研究提出程式幾項基本訴求,包含菜單編列之易讀性與便利性、避免原料計算上的錯誤、系統單價分析及資訊化伙房的回饋,以確立系統設計之基本精神。 本研究成果所建構之系統,其為封閉網路之單機運作,並以EXCEL作為資料庫和操作介面,VBA程式與言作為輔助工具的一套系統。其主要架構包含菜單資料庫、原料資料庫、庫存資料庫、模擬投單系統。透過系統的操作,即可避免像傳統以人力為主之伙房作業耗時費力;若食材採購數量有變,也可透過系統做快速的運算,以避免人工多次的反覆統計。此外軍旅中人員流動為必然之情況,因應本系統之建立,未來在人員交接時,藉由本研究之操作,可增進交接溝通的流暢度,並減少過往紙本和人工操作可能產生的人為疏失。 綜上所述,本研究雖對伙房人工運作,進行可能之初步電子化改善,然而受限於部分現實環境限制,目前仍尚未能囊括所有可機械式反覆操作的程序。是故在未來研究中,期待能根據本研究所建立之基礎,進一步依各不同單位任務屬性不同,或其他特殊需求,而能有不同之成果展現。使整體國軍伙房運作,都有機會得到相當效率的提升。


The operation of the military, whether located on the front line of the implementation of the task or internal management, must rely on the logistics unit of various important supports. The diet is the foundation of military operating, so the efficiency of process it produced is quite important. In response to the national military qualified policies, improving kitchen operating efficiency in limited budges and the most appropriate manpower would be the main issue of this research. If the the operation can be more robust and efficient, the military must be much stable. When it comes to the kitchen operating process, it includes the use of food budget, menu making, food ingredients, distribution and food processing cooking. In this research, the above steps are divided into mechanical and non-mechanical steps. The use of food budget and menu making are mechanical steps because of the characteristics of repetitive operation. Combining the reviews of production efficiency theory, management theory and decision theory to discuss the various possibilities behind the gain, this research start to make mechanical steps be automatic to replace traditional manpower operations. There are several basic appeals for the program, including the ease of reading and convenience of the menu, avoiding the errors in the calculation of materials, the system price analysis and the feedback of the information to establish the system. The research results of the system, which is closed network, and use EXCEL as a database and operating interface, VBA programs as a supplementary tool for a system. Its main structure includes menu database, material database, inventory database, simulation billing system. Through the operation of the system, it can avoid the time-consuming traditional manpower-based working. If the amount of food procurement has changed, the system can also do a quick calculation, to prevent repeated manual statistics. In addition, the flow of personnel in military affairs is inevitable. In view of the establishment of the system, the operation of the present study can improve the fluency of handover and reduce the possible human error in the traditional manual operation. In summary,this system makes preliminary improvement, but still limited by some constraints. Therefore, in the future study, it is expected to be fixed into different situations and have the opportunity to get a better upgrade.


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