  • 學位論文


Exploration relationships among academic burnout, psychological well‐being, and academic resilience in university nursing students

指導教授 : 潘怡如


隨著人口高齡化、文化的多元性、疾病結構與健康問題型態的變化等,影響著人們需求與醫療照護型態的轉變,護理照護方式與專業教育培育方向須因應以上改變而調整。而護理人員工作倦怠的根源在於學生的個人與學業的倦怠有著密不可分的關係;且護理系學生在求學過程中會遇到不同的情況而引起學業倦怠,可能會影響到心理幸福感的部分,而學業復原力可以幫助學生成功處理他們逆境的狀況。 研究的目的是探討護理系學生與學業倦怠、心理幸福及學業復原力之間的相關性分析。本研究採橫斷式設計,以人口學特質問卷、學業倦怠量表、心理幸福感量表及學業復原力量表收集資料。 研究結果顯示護理系學生具有中低度學業倦怠、中高度心理幸福感及中高度學業復原力。不同背景變項方面,年齡、年級、居住狀況、大學前一學期是否為班上前50%、有無臨床實習或工作經驗、是否擔任大學班級幹部與學業倦怠有顯著差異;在年級、大學是否擔任班級幹部、有無臨床實習或工作經驗、大學前一學期是否為班上前50%、未來生涯規劃與心理幸福感有顯著差異;不同居住狀況、入學管道、年級、有無臨床實習或工作經驗、大學前一學期成績是否為班上前50%、生涯規劃與學業復原力有顯著差異。整體學業倦怠與整體心理幸福感呈顯著的負相關整體學業倦怠感與整體學業復原力之間呈顯著的負相關,整體學業復原力整體與整體心理幸福感之間呈顯著的正相關。 最後,透過研究結果從在學期間增加課程或活動的安排的角度討論了結果的實際意義,以做為實務工作者及未來研究的參考。


With the aging of the population, cultural diversity, disease structure and changes in the types of health problems, etc., it affects the changes in people's needs and types of medical care. Nursing methods and professional education and training must be adjusted according to the above changes. Burnout is a relationship in nursing staff from personal and academic burnout in nursing students. Nursing students frequently suffer academic burnout, which is brought on by different situations experienced during the training process and that can concern his psychological well‐being. Resilience is a personal resource that allows adverse situations to be handled in a successful way. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between academic burnout and psychological well‐being and academic resilience in a sample of university nursing students, and to compare the background variable differences in these three variables. Design is Cross-sectional Correlational design. Methods is data were collected at one moments separated with 538 students. At time a questionnaire was given to them, with questions about socioeconomic demographics and three validated scales to measure academic burnout, psychological well‐being, and academic resilience. The results indicated there were moderate-to-low in academic burnout among university nursing students, moderate-to-high in psychological well-being and academic resilience among university nursing students. The results indicated there were significant differences in academic burnout among university nursing students of different age、grade、living status、academic performance、be a cadre and internship experience. The results indicated there were significant differences in psychological well-being among university nursing students of different grade、academic performance、be a cadre 、Internship experience and Career Planning. The results indicated there were significant differences in a academic resilience among university nursing students of different living status、grade、living status、academic performance、be a cadre、entrance pipeline and Internship experience. The results indicated a statistically significant moderate negative relationship between academic burnout and psychological well-being. The results indicated a statistically significant moderate negative relationship between academic burnout and academic resilience. The results indicated a statistically significant moderate positive relationship between academic resilience and psychological well-being. Finally, based on the research findings, the practical implications of the results are discussed from the perspective of academic training and some recommendations are given for future research in this field.


大學招生委員會聯合會(2021年) .多元入學方案。http://www.jbcrc.edu.tw/multi2.html
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