  • 學位論文


A Study on the prevention of drunk driving-An example of Army’s recruits

指導教授 : 林文祥


近年來酒後駕車肇事案件由於媒體強力放送,引發社會大眾譴責,進而促使政府開始重視酒駕防制工作。2013年全國取締酒駕違規達11萬8,864萬件,因酒駕肇事死亡人數達245人。鑑此,本研究以入營未滿3個月之國軍新進人員為樣本,採用問卷法,探討影響發生酒駕行為之因素以建立風險評估表。計發放問卷260份,回收有效問卷247份,回收率95%。 結果顯示:具有「酒駕認知低」或「教育水準低」之特質者,傾向具有較高度的酒駕風險。故,依據所發現狀況,並加入社經背景因素重新建立新版「飲酒習慣暨酒後駕車風險評估表」,俾使基層幹部能快速掌握具有酒駕風險危安因子官兵進行輔導與管制,進而對現行國軍酒駕防制作為提出有效建議。


Recently, as media kept strongly broadcasting the drunk driving to the people, caused the negative image to all society, Taiwan government therefore, has put more attention on the drunk- driving prevention program because of the increasing cases. In 2013, there’re 118,864 cases have been clamped down on drunk-driving all over the nation and 245people died because of the drunk-driving. This research is having the new coming to soldiers as sample (service below 3month) and conducting with questionnaire survey to investigate the elements of causing drunk-driving behavior in order to establish a risk assessment form. In statistic figures, we issued total 260 questionnaires and retrieved 247 effective questionnaires, so the recovery is 95%. The results showed that soldiers who feature in lower understanding of drunk-driving and with lower education have a high potential risk to cause drunk-driving. According to the discover and based on the socioeconomic background factors added to re-establish the “Drinking habit and drunk-driving assessment sheet”. In this way, the supervisor can therefore control and even consultant with the high tendency of drunk-driving people in advance in the army and further, the army is capable to provide the constructive suggestions of drunk- driving prevention policy.


一、 中文部分
