  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Environmental Parameters Influencing Long Distance Shooting Training

指導教授 : 徐祥禎


天候外在環境因素變化是狙擊手是否能成功命中目標的關鍵因素,以現代精密儀器測風儀理,可輕易取得當下環境參數,導入環境參數公式計算,即可使狙擊手獲得需要的環境變數修彈道正量。本研究分析105年狙擊手競賽所獲得之練習及比賽時得的成績,以及當時所影響的環境參數變化,選定以比賽測驗所採取的最長射擊距離800公尺為探討指標,選定該比賽當中800公尺射擊之狙擊槍射手所蒐集之環境參數進行資料建立。 本研究的主要目的為以狙擊手800公尺射擊前所蒐集之環境參數對其本身射擊命中率所造成的影響為基礎並運用,以資料中自然萌發出的屬性和類別,再經由不斷驗證、測試、比較、交互作用、產生互動關係,這些關係的組合,築構成理論基礎。配合本研究的數據與命中率關係分析其中影響的關係。 於年度狙擊手競賽中通常由觀測手所蒐集參數並計算出修正量後交由狙擊手對狙擊鏡表尺進行修正,蒐集數據區分為溫度、濕度、風速、風向,合計4種變數(微量影響參數不再此次研究項目中,如地球自轉、大氣壓力)。其中環境參數據搜集分析及轉換成修正量是一門課程,透過參與104年及105年比賽經驗分析,在槍械本身誤差值、射手身心狀況及多種變環境數相互交錯之下每次所射擊命中位置都不同,除訓練出專業射擊專長射手外,也需能快速精確判斷環境參數變化的能力,才能在每次射擊時將誤差值降低到最小,因為我們不能改變槍枝的誤差,射手的射擊能力因身心狀況也有所不同,唯一能無時無刻掌握的就是射擊時的環境參數變化,本研究分析模式,可適用部隊狙擊手未來培訓規劃上,可作為未來狙擊手競賽時人員篩選參考依據。


External environmental variation is the critical factor to hit the target for straight sharp-shooting. It is very easily to obtain real-time environmental parameters by a cutting-edge fine measuring instrument. Sniper is capable to immediately modify the aiming-off allowance of trajectory using the empirical equation with those determined parameters. In this research, the sharp-shooting marks data obtained from Military Force’s sniper team attended the “2016 National Department of Defense Sniper Contest” have been fully investigated. Data influenced by environmental parameters in practice training and competition are analyzed for the farthest distance – 800 meters shooting. Therefore, the environmental parameters on 800-meter shooting competition have been recorded for a sniper shooting database. The objective of this research is to continuously improve the shooting accuracy on 800-meter shooting data collected from external environmental variation. The sharp-shooting marks data in the developed snipe shooting database are verified, validated, tested, again and again. From the empirical data combination, the theoretical basis has been established to explore the relationships between environmental parameters and shooting accuracy. Accurate sniper shooting is based on spotter’s precise observation and calculation. The correction effects are then scaled on sniper-scope by sniper. The corrected environmental parameters include temperature, humidity, wind velocity and wind direction. It should be noted that micro effected-parameters, such as the rotation of Earth, atmospheric pressure are excluded in this study. The author attended 2015 and 2016 sniper shooting contests and experienced of environmental parameters, structural of firearm and sniper’s mental and physical conditions. It reveals that there is no repeated mark for every single shot. The professional sniper expertise can be obtained and the shooting errors can be minimized by continuous practice training and fast-precise-decision on external environmental variation. Nether firearm’s error nor sniper’s mental and physical conditions is standard in every shooting. However, variation of environmental parameters can be steadily controlled for sniper and spotter. The analytical model and databased developed in this study can be easily applied to shooting training on all armed forces and picking the potential candidate out for annual sniper shooting contest.


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葉泰和 新能源施工處 http://www.hvac-net.org.tw/archive/100052733.pdf
