  • 學位論文


A study of the Relationships among Recreational Specialization, Involvement and Personal Attitude for Hip Hop Dancers

指導教授 : 葉上葆 傅信維


隨著週休二日的普及,人們的選擇越來越多,以往休閒活動研究都以球類、靜態類(例圍棋、茶道)為主,鮮少是極限運動,然而街舞的出現逐漸成為時下年輕人風靡的休閒育樂活動之一,年輕人藉由街舞當作抒放生活壓力的一種方式,或者參加競技比賽,提升自己的自尊心,在人際關係上,也可用舞蹈當作連接彼此的媒介,參與街舞活動從國小到社會人士都有,甚至可以讓人練到廢寢忘食,只為了得到冠軍的殊榮,顯示出街舞這項活動成為了人們生活上不可或缺的事,故本研究以街舞這項活動作為研究主題。 本研究採量化方式,問卷發放對象為高雄地區各高中職及大專院校熱舞社學生,共計發放367份,獲得研究樣本340份,無效問卷22份,有效樣本為318份。 研究結果顯示,當街舞遊憩專門化程度越高,對於自尊心及人際關係也會越高,而對於生活滿意度不受影響,且涉入程度對於遊憩專門化、自尊心、生活滿意度及人際關係卻無干擾效果,本研究認為街舞這項活動或許可以帶給人心靈上的滿意,但生活面不能給予滿足,且涉入程度不會因為參與比賽及表演的次數增加,而產生影響,因此涉入程度對街舞遊憩專門化、自尊心、生活滿意度及人際關係間無干擾效果。


The main purpose of this study is to discuss the specialization of Hip Hop dancers will affect the Personal Behavior which include Involvement Self-esteem Satisfaction and Interpersonal relationships. This is quantitative research. The data is collected by questionnaire for high school and college students. With 367 questionnaire issued and 318 were collected. This research finds that the recreational specialization of Hip Hop dancers has a positive effect on the Self-esteem and Interpersonal relationships but Satisfaction have no effects. Involvement of Hip Hop dancers and recreational specialization and Personal Behavior but no interference effects,this study suggests that the main reason is When Hip Hop dancers get more skill and knowledge of dance their Self-esteem and Interpersonal relationships will increase In contrast the recreational specialization of Hip Hop dancers has no effect on the Satisfaction due to high specialization can be incresed their minds but not life Satisfaction also highly Involvement of Hip Hop dancers will not interference on recreational specialization and Personal Behavior


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