  • 學位論文

後備軍人參與災害防救之探討 - 以後備軍人輔導組織為例

The Study on the Disaster Prevention - Relief Mechanism of the ROC’s Reserve Counseling Organization(RRCO)

指導教授 : 吳有龍


近年全球氣候異常,其所衍生出的複合式災害,頻率激增,範圍與災損亦日益擴大,綜觀從近年來台灣多次的災變,已嚴重威脅國人的生命、財產及居住的安全。此外,救難人力嚴重不足,而現有制度與組織已難以應付這些突如其來的問題,如何確保國土安全已儼然成為當今政府首要的核心課題。然國軍以保國衛民為天職,每當國家遭逢重大災難,國軍總在第一時間趕赴現場,展現軍民一體的精神。但近年來,國軍在執行「精實案」、「精進案」及「精粹案」中,常備員額不斷精減,遇重大災害,已漸不敷各地區救災支援人力,因此,如何妥善運用後備軍人,儼然已成為必要探討之課題。 我國目前列管後備軍人三百多萬人,各地區後備軍人輔導組織在災害事件發生時,其負有主動反映災情,募集物資,動員救災等責。因此,本研究從國內救災體制文獻資料中,以內容分析法彙整有關國軍救災制度,以及後備軍人輔導組織協力災害防救作為基礎,再輔以質化深度訪談研究,透由受訪者訪談中獲得的資料,探究國軍及後備軍人輔導組織執行防災機制運作情形,加以歸納分析並據以提出政策性建議。 研究結果指出,一、國軍救災部隊,在任務執行上,不應造成濫用兵力,進而影響了戰備演訓任務以及逾越救災主管機關權責。二、後備軍人輔導組織足以擔負起防救災任務,並配合國家政策協力推動各項工作。三、為肆應未來國軍部隊救災人力之不足情況,適時賦予後備軍人輔導中心協助執行災害防救任務,是具體可行的配套措施之一。最後本研究提出三點建議,一、透由修法,在相關法令規章中賦予其職責,使得後備軍人輔導組織在各式救援任務上,成為一個正式組織機構。二、中央應與地方政府達成共識,針對救災經費妥善規劃,專款專用。三、爭取共同規劃防救災訓練課程,提供後備軍人輔導幹部定期施訓,並發予相關證照。


The increasing scope of impacts and losses generated by the sharp rise of global climate anomalies and the derived compound disasters in recent years has led to serious consequences worldwide. In recent years, multiple disasters in Taiwan pose a serious threat to the lives, property, and safety of local citizens. In addition, there is a serious lack of rescue personnel, and current systems and organizations are incapable of coping with sudden emergencies. The preservation of homeland security has turned into a core task of contemporary governments. National defense and protection of citizens is the sacred duty of the armed forces. Whenever a major catastrophe strikes the country, the armed forces always rush to the site of the disaster instantly, exhibiting a spirit of unity between the army and the people. However, due to the constant reduction of standing personnel as a result of the implementation of “Jingshi Program”, “Jingjin Program”, and “Jingtsui Program”, disaster relief personnel can no longer be dispatched in sufficient numbers to all areas struck by major disasters. It is therefore an extremely important task to explore how to optimize the utilization of reserves. Taiwan currently has over 3 million registered reservists. In case of major disasters, reservist counseling organizations in all areas are responsible for active reporting of conditions in affected areas, collection of materials and resources, and mobilization of relief efforts. This study aims to identify the disaster relief system of the armed forces through an analysis of the relevant literature on the domestic disaster relief system. Qualitative in-depth interviews are conducted on the foundation of the current system of assistance provided by reservist counseling organizations in disaster prevention and relief. Actual operations of the disaster prevention mechanism of reservist counseling organizations and the armed forces are explored based on the data obtained from such in-depth interviews. Policy suggestions are provided based on an inductive analysis of the data. The research findings point to the following conclusions: 1. The disaster relief teams of the armed forces should not misuse military resources in the execution of relevant duties and thereby affect combat training and drills and exceed the competence of disaster relief authorities. 2. Reservist counseling organizations are capable of carrying out of disaster prevention and relief duties and assistance in the execution of relevant tasks in line with national policies. 3. Timely provision of assistance to reservist counseling centers in the execution of disaster prevention and relief tasks is one of the feasible supporting measures to make up for the lack of manpower for disaster relief provided by the armed forces. This study provides the following three suggestions: 1.Relevant laws and regulations should be amended to turn reservist counseling organizations into official disaster relief organizations with clearly prescribed duties and responsibilities. 2. The central government should reach a consensus with local governments regarding the proper planning and earmarking of funds for disaster relief 3.Disaster relief training courses should be jointly planned and administered on a regular basis by reservist counseling functionaries. Certificates should be issued upon completion of training courses.


中華民國102年四年期國防總檢討編纂委員會(2013)。中華民國102 年「四年期國
