  • 學位論文


Explore the Future Development of Military Mobilization of Resources through the National Defense Mobilization's Perspective

指導教授 : 李建興
共同指導教授 : 賴慶松(Ching-Sung Lai)


現代戰爭具備突發性高、作戰時間快、戰爭範圍廣等特質,其結果不但造成人員傷亡迅速,且物資消耗數量更為龐大,故須立即有效的補充,因此,動員工作就是因應戰爭的需要而產生。我們知道,動員準備工作是涉及層面十分廣泛,亦非一蹴可及,更不可能紙上談兵,因此必須藉由平時有效、精準的掌握,並將龐雜的資料予以統計、整合,達成平時支援災害防救、戰時支援軍事作戰之目標。 政策的運用與執行的落實,其可貴之處就在於可長可久,其首要工作應是妥善規範完備的動員法規,以符合依法行政的要求與危機管理的精神,我國自2001年11月14日全民防衛動員準備法公布施行後,將原先軍事層面的「國家總動員業務」調整轉型為國家整體層面的「全民防衛動員準備機制」,以做為全民國防的具體實踐作為。 本研究係採SPSS統計分析方法,區分法令政策面、作業執行面、預算成本面等三個構面,藉由深入探討現行國軍物力動員工作所面臨的各種窒礙因素與發掘各項亟待克服的問題,針對國軍遂行物力動員工作之未來發展方向,提出建議意見,作為將來政策制定之參考,共同為建構堅實可恃的國土安全防衛網貢獻一份心力。


Modern Warfare has characteristics of sudden high, combat fast time, wide coverage and others, which result not only Casualties quickly, but also consume much larger number of substances. It requires immediate and effective supplement. Thus, the mobilization is to respond to the needs arising from the war. We know that the work of mobilization preparedness is "implicit rather than explicit" national strategic task, which involve a wide range of levels, neither happened overnight nor fought only on paper. Therefore, it must be done by the usual effective, precise control, and analyzed, integrated the complex data to achieve the targets of "supporting the disaster prevention and relief in peacetime, supporting military operations in wartime. The value for the policy practice and implementation is based on its lastingness. The first priority job is to plan for complete mobilization laws properly for correspondence with administrative requirements by laws and the spirit of crisis management. After announcing and implementing National Defense Mobilization Law since November 14 , 2001 , our country had changed original "National Mobilization Operations" in the level of military to "Civilian Defense Mobilization Preparedness Mechanisms " in the overall level of our country as for the concrete, practical behavior of civilian , national defense. The study use the methods of SPSS Statistics Analysis to distinguish between law policy, executive implementation and budgeted costs. It explores in depth about existing military resources mobilization job faceing various stifling factors and discovering various problems needed to be overcome. We advise our suggestions to carry out the future direction of the mobilization of resources for the military as a reference for future policy formulation. We wise to build a solid dependability defense network in our country-wise territory to contribute our efforts together.


