  • 學位論文


A Study of National Defense Mobilization on Military Operations Improvement

指導教授 : 吳傳春


全民防衛動員有關行政院各部會如何執行落實之研究,在歷年發表之論文中多數僅論及軍需工業及物力動員理論,對全民防衛動員如何支援軍事作戰主要部份,並無具體說明各相關部會之具體作法,如何將「化民力為我力、融我力於戰力」的論點化為具體可行方案,則點到為止,無法使人窺其全貌;其實全民防衛動員為「全民國防」之主體,不僅能強化國人對國防之共識,亦能化共識為實質力量之支持,即是「全民國防」運用於軍事作戰最佳銓釋,其中包含物力動員、 民防組織建構與全民防衛動員,唯三者緊密結合,始為「全民國防」真正意義。 全民防衛動員是防範戰爭與準備戰爭之主要環節,任何一個高度繁榮的國家莫不講求國防與經建且同步併進,以國防實力維護經建的成長,何況我們面對謀我日亟的中共。惟總動員工作廣泛且複雜,經常因主客觀環境之不斷變遷而有所調整及變化,今後全民防衛動員工作之推動,惟有講求整體規劃,統一運用,方能於戰時或非常時期,展現其堅強實力與組織力,由轉化國家潛力而為支援力,然此非一蹴可就,仍有賴於總動員工作之制度化,平時默默耕耘,方能以「備而不用」之手段,達成「用而有備」的目的。


The National Defense mobilizes the research on how the executive ministries will implement the implementation. Most of the papers published in the past years only deal with the military industry and material mobilization theory. The main part of the national defense mobilization support military operations does not specify the relevant departments. In the specific practice of the meeting, how to turn the argument of "powering people into my strength and integrating my strength into combat power" into a concrete and feasible plan, so that it will not be able to make people look at the whole picture; in fact, the national defense mobilization is "national defense" The main body not only strengthens the national consensus on national defense, but also enables consensus to be the support of substantial power, that is, the "national defense" is applied to the best interpretation of military operations, including material mobilization, civil defense organization construction and national defense mobilization. The only combination of the three is the true meaning of "national defense". National defense mobilization is the main link in preventing wars and preparing for war. Any highly prosperous country does not emphasize national defense and economic development and keeps pace with each other. It maintains the growth of economic development with its national defense strength, not to mention the CCP that seeks my future. However, the general mobilization work is extensive and complicated, and it is often adjusted and changed due to the constant changes of the subjective and objective environment. In the future, the promotion of the national defense mobilization work, only the overall planning and unified application, can show its strength in wartime or extraordinary times. Strength and organizational strength are supported by the transformation of the country's potential. However, it is not a glimpse of it. It still depends on the institutionalization of the total mobilization work, and it can only be done by means of "preparation without use". The purpose of preparation.


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