  • 學位論文


Relationship between Kawaii Consciousness and Otaku Subculture

指導教授 : 李守愛


根基於消費文化的可愛意識,伴隨著二次戰後日本經濟實力復甦的進程,日漸在資本主義與全球化的沃土上開枝散葉,其後綻放出兩朵精巧可人的花朵─Hello Kitty與皮卡丘。以這兩名虛擬腳色為首,日本再度揮舞著進軍世界的大旗,其攻勢一度甚至被認為能與美國當代大眾流行文化分庭抗禮。美≪外交政策≫誌於2002年刊載了美國記者道格拉斯・麥格雷氏所著的≪日本國民總酷值≫一文,更為這股浪潮錦上添花,其後被認為是日本邁向酷日本文化政策的重要轉折點。 然而時至今日,酷日本可愛依舊,卻難掩黃花之勢逐漸淪為空洞的政策口號。而日本現代消費文化的另一個特殊面向“御宅族”次文化正如火如荼地面臨新一波的審察挑戰。值得注意的是在日本可愛流行文化與“御宅族”次文化之間存在著高度的重疊性,卻分據於流行文化與次文化光譜的兩端。這似乎意味著兩者之間的共通處,有著極為矛盾且不安穩的內部架構存在。這不禁讓人好奇這種矛盾為何根植於日本戰後的消費文化當中,而這種矛盾反映了日本戰後什麼樣的社會現實?因此一方面藉由比較≪日本國民總酷值≫一文刊載前後,涉及可愛面向的戰後日本文化論是否曾論及這種矛盾;一方面去審視日本“御宅族”次文化身陷審察論戰所苦的境況,是否與這種矛盾相關連,將有助於接續崛起的亞洲新興經濟體在審視自身的內在消費文化矛盾與面對外在的軟實力競賽課題時能有所借鏡。


Based on consumer culture, Kawaii has gradually booms in the capitalism and globalization land with economic recovery after Second World War and blossoms two nice flowers, namely Hello Kitty and Pikachu. Led by this two virtual roles, Japan again waved the flag towards the world which was even regarded to be contend against with American modern pop culture. An article named ≪Japan’s Gross National Cool≫written by American journalist Douglas McGray in ≪Foreign Policy≫ magazine in 2002 added a beautiful stroke which was treated as the important turning point for Japan to walk towards Cool Japan policy. Till now, Cool Japan is still very lovely but is declining in policy. Besides, another special Japanese modern consumer culture Otaku subculture is facing a review challenge. It needs to be noticed that Japanese Kawaii pop culture and Otaku subculture have a strong superposition but separate in pop culture and subculture. It means they have common points but also have contradictory and unstable inner structure. Hence, it is amazing why this contradiction is rooted in postwar Japanese consumer culture. This contradiction reflects social reality of postwar Japan. On one hand, it compares postwar Japanese culture once stated this contradiction before and after ≪Japan’s Gross National Cool≫ article was released. On the other hand, it reviews if the difficult situation of review war of Japanese Otaku subculture is related to this contradiction which will be used as reference for new Asian emerging economies to review the internal consumer culture contradiction and external soft power competition subjects.


20. 清少納言、林文月譯(2000) ≪枕草子≫、洪範
17. 姜建強(2014)≪另類日本文化史≫、三聯
1. Matt Hill(2005)≪迷文化≫、朱華瑄譯、韋伯
2. 上野千鶴子 (2015) ≪厭女 日本的女性嫌惡≫、楊士堤譯、聯合文學
3. 中根千枝(1984)≪日本的社會結構 社會的人際關係≫、林顯宗譯、水牛
