  • 學位論文

日本御宅文化的發展 -以VTuber為中心

Development of Otaku culture - Centered on VTuber

指導教授 : 馬耀輝


本論文是以分析日本御宅族文化與VTuber發展之間關連性為主題,了解VTuber為何能夠登上日本御宅文化的頂點。現今由於科技發展加上全球化,「御宅族(オタク)」逐年增加並成為流行文化之一。這類型的新媒體中誕生了以2D或是3D虛擬形象進行藝能活動的VTuber,創造出前所未見的社會風潮與經濟價值,讓御宅族獲得了新的娛樂方式。   第一章剖析了御宅文化的由來與轉變,深入了解VTuber是如何誕生並受到御宅族的歡迎。第二章介紹VTber演變的歷史與轉生VTuber的風潮,從中認識帶給VTuber業界中改革的人物與事務所。第三章比較VTuber事務所之間的差異性,並發掘VTuber業界目前的動向與受粉絲喜愛的內容。第四章解析VTuber發展價值,除此之外也連帶解析負向與未來發展的可能性。   藉由本論文探討之結果可發現到VTuber給予御宅族與社會大眾曾未有過的商業價值與觀念衝擊,也讓御宅文化開始成為不管是誰都能享受的觀賞樂趣。在疫情時代裡,無法外出社交的情況下VTuber帶來了新型態的交流與娛樂,也舒緩了許多人們不安的情緒。未來VTuber突破言語隔閡上的障礙成為全球潮流,也是指日可待之事。所以先一步認識VTuber所帶來的價值,即可獲得窺測未來的先機。


御宅族 御宅文化 虛擬YouTuber Otaku VTuber


This paper is based on the analysis of the relationship between Japanese otaku culture and the development of VTuber, to understand why VTuber can reach the apex of Japanese otaku culture. Nowadays, due to the development of technology and globalization, "Otaku (オタク)" has increased year by year and has become one of the popular cultures. Type of new media, VTuber, which performs artistic activities with 2D or 3D virtual images,created unprecedented social trends and economic value, has given otaku a new way of entertainment. First chapter analyzes the origin and transformation of otaku culture, and deeply understands how VTuber was born and welcomed by otaku. Chapter 2 introduces the history of the evolution of VTuber and the trend of reincarnation of VTuber, from which we get to know the people and firms that have brought reforms to the VTuber industry. Chapter 3 compares the differences between VTuber firms and discovers current trends in the VTuber industry and content that fans love. Chapter 4 analyzes the development value of VTuber, and also analyzes the possibility of negative and future development. From the results of this paper, it can be found that VTuber has given otaku and the general public an unprecedented impact on commercial values ​​and concepts, and it has also made otaku culture a viewing pleasure that anyone can enjoy. In the era of the epidemic, VTuber brought a new type of communication and entertainment when it was impossible to go out to socialize, and it also relieved many people's uneasy emotions. In the future, VTuber will break through the barriers of language barriers and become a global trend, which is also just around the corner. Therefore, if you first understand the value brought by VTuber, you can gain an opportunity to see the future.


Otaku VTuber Otaku Culture Virtual YouTuber


