  • 學位論文


The simulation implementation of the Interleaving Access Scheme (IAS) for ZigBee

指導教授 : 黃蓮池


IEEE 802.15.4 無線個人區域網路(Wireless Personal Networks, WPAN)標準的重要特點就是低資料率、短的傳輸距離和功率消耗低。WPAN包含了協調器和節點,以週期性的方式來監控環境的資訊。IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN最關鍵的問題是處理即時或接近即時的服務,這需要較低的延遲和時閃之能力。兩個參數,訊標級數(BO)和超訊框級數(SO)。它們控制超訊框的長度、活躍區間和非活躍區間。然而,光使用BO和SO這兩個參數很難讓從協調器到節點的資料流變的流暢和平穩。雖然在標準下是分配一部份的活躍區間來當作保證時槽供即時服務使用,而即時訊框的進接間隔仍被分配後的超訊框長度所影響。取代使用低效率的保證時槽方案,有學者提出了一個自適應交錯進接方案(Interleaving Access Scheme, IAS)演算法,這方案使用了一個新的變數叫作交錯級數(IO),用來調整超訊框的架構,使得活躍區間散佈在整個超訊框中,進而控制進接的延遲和頻寬的浪費。本論文以模擬實作此演算法,藉以證明IAS不只減少進接延遲,還增加了節點的電池壽命。




The key features of IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area network (WPAN) standard are the low data rate, short transmission distance, and low power consumption. The WPAN periodically monitors environmental information by coordinator and device nodes. The most important issue of IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN is the handling of real-time or nearly real-time services, which needs lower latency and low delay jitter. There are two parameters, Beacon order(BO) and Superframe order(SO) that control superframe length, active periods, and inactive periods. However, only using BO and SO is hard to make stream transmission smooth and constant between the coordinator and nodes. The standard IEEE 802.15.4 allocates a portion of active period to be the guarantee time slots for real-time service. However, the real-time frame access intervals are still affected by the allocated superframe length. Instead of using low efficiency GTS scheme, some researchers proposed an adaptive interleaving access scheme (IAS). This scheme using a new parameter, called interleaving order (IO). The IAS used IO to adjust superframe structure, and to make the active period disperse in the superframe. It will control the access latency and the bandwidth wastage. This thesis tries to implement the simulation of IAS to demonstrate that the IAS scheme not only decreases access latency but also increases nodes’ battery lifetimes.




[4] S. T. Sheu, Y. Y. Shih, and L. W. Chen, “An Adaptive Interleaving Access Scheme(IAS) for IEEE 802.15.4 WPANs”, in Proceeding of Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 1523-1527, Jun. 2005.
[1] IEEE802.15.4 Task Group , “IEEE802.15.4-2006 standard”, IEEE,2006
[2] ZigBee Allince.Available at http://www.zigbee.org
[3] IEEE802 working Group, “Standard for Part 15.4 : Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical(PHY) Specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network(LR-WPANs), ” ANSI/IEEE 802.15.4 Sept. 2006.
[5] 計算機網路實驗-使用ns2 模擬多媒體通訊與無線網路, 柯志亨團隊著, 學貫出版。
