  • 學位論文


The study on the facing challenge and future as stretagy for the national troops army throwing the disaster rescuework

指導教授 : 李樑堅


國軍大規模救災開始在於民國88年於南投發生的「921地震」,當時依據總統頒發的緊急命令,之後在面對各種不同天災時,國軍依法令全力投入資源,隨災害搶救事件不斷發生,國軍提升不少救災經驗,民國98年因應「莫拉克風災」帶來巨大災害,政府依然感到力不從心,因此修訂「災害防救法」,同年國防部宣布災害搶救將納入國軍首要任務之一,依據相關法令建立支援能量以及救災所需作業程序,爾後災害防救變成國軍義不容辭的責任 在越趨艱難的救災環境中,面對不同的災害類別,國軍正面臨組織精簡,例行戰備演訓工作任務不變,如何運用現有組織及後備動員能力,發揮聯戰效能,使受難民眾能夠儘速獲得救援,降低人員災害損失,盡快恢復家園以往容貌,為探討的重點。且目前採「全募兵」政策,招募人員不易,且現代年輕人行為思考獨特,每逢災害發生前即管制休假,官兵苦不堪言,如何凝聚向心,讓官兵將救災視為首要,而樂於從軍報國,亦是另一重點。 本研究首先透過文獻了解南部災害甚多的原因及目前國軍投入災害防救方式及利弊,與世界各國軍隊作對比,再經由深度訪談了解南部作戰區官兵對於救災看法,並與自身經驗及歷練相互對照比較,最後進行綜合歸納,找出問題所在,研究發現以下幾點:1、救災法令(計畫)未盡周全;2、救災人力未妥善分配運用;3、裝備籌備未整備;4、人才訓練未完善;5、未編列救災經費等問題等5項。 經由深入研究及探討國軍現行體制,對於如何提升即刻救災能力同時兼顧官兵身心發展,以達到雙贏目的,建議有:1、增(修)訂國軍救災相關法令及救災計畫;2救災指揮體系重新構建(改由後備體系執行)、3、修訂編裝、購置裝備、物資及訓練人才4、強化人員災防訓練;5、國防預算編列救災專案經費等5項。


The first time military started to conduct rescue relief was in 1999 after the big earthquake hit Nanto. After this experience, the government revised “Disaster Relief Act.” Also, national defense announced disaster relief is a part of our mission and set a standard procedure for disaster relief in order to conduct the missions effectively. Military also treat disaster relief as a war. This essay is to review the experience from every rescue task and figure out how can we improve our disaster prevention system and rescue capability to help victims and reduce the damage. I hope through this research the government can perfect their procedures for disaster relief to protect citizens from suffering. I used the document to analyze the advantages and disavantages from military disaster relief and compared with other countries. Also, I interviewd some soldiers who participated in rescue missions for their opinions to find the main problems. 1. “Disaster Relief Act” does not fit the new situation. 2. We didn’t deploy our force effectively. 3. Rescue equipments are not ready. 4. Rescue team didn’t know what they should do. 5. The funds didn’t be used properly. Now, national defense are promoting Mercenery. This research is to discuss how we can use this system to enhance our rescue capability and take care of our troops at the same time. The following are some suggestions. 1. Military disaster relief and related programs revisement. 2. Command system reorganization. 3. Following the plans to train personnel, to buy the equipment and to reorganize. 4. Disaster rescue funds application. 5. All-out defense combines with emergence rescue.


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