  • 學位論文


A Study of Learning Effectiveness on Naval Ship Trainer Certification

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 林皆興


國家的力量建構在軍隊戰力的強弱。而軍隊必須不斷的訓練才能維持戰力。海軍便是運用教練儀簽證來培養艙面兵科軍官對相關作戰計畫與作為的了解與運用,以及各級指揮官指揮管制應變能力。因此身為簽證教官,便想了解教練儀教學授課內容的合宜性、對學員的助益或需精進的地方。所以藉由學員的學習、教官的教學來探討學習成效,及軍中學習制度有無需要修訂面向。 本研究的目的主要在探討學員參與教練儀簽證訓練的成效狀況,透過學習態度、教學態度與學習成效的顯現,了解學習狀況、簽證制度的適切性。本研究先引用鍾明芬(2009),歸類學習成效影響的因素,並參閱了多數有關學習與教學的問卷,再結合自身擔任教官的經驗,擬出訪談大綱作為研究方向,蒐集艦艇單位簽證訓練成效歸納分析,篩選晤談者,採用半結構訪談,針對研究問題進行資料整理分析。 研究結果分析:學習態度、教學態度是會影響學習成效,而教學態度也會影響學習態度的好壞,同時教學態度亦因學習態度的正向或負向,間接影響學習成效。另外就受訪者的談話內容,與受訪者本身基本資料比對分析,發現年資、位階的差異性,學員對教官授課內容了解吸收程度亦有高低。因此提出研究建議,作為海軍教育訓練規劃與執行之參考。


National power is based on military strength. Military must continue training to maintain combat capability. The certification is the way utilized for line officers to learn operations plans and employ operations actions. Also, it’s used to train commanders’ capabilities of C2 (command and control) and emergency response. Therefore, as a certification instructor, it’s essential to realize is the teaching material suits well, if the training is benefit to trainees, and if there is any means to make the teaching mechanism better. This study is to discuss the learning effectiveness through trainees’ learning process and instructors’ teaching methods to see if the learning mechanism in military should lead a direction. The purpose of this study is to explore the training effectiveness of trainees participating in the trainer certification program, and to understand learning status and the applicability of the certification program through the manifestation of learning attitude, teaching attitude and learning effectiveness. This study starts with the citation of Zhong Mingfen (2009) to classify the factors that affect learning effectiveness, and refer to a vast amount of questionnaires regarding to learning and teaching. Combined the above with the researcher’s own experience, the interview outlined has been developed as the research direction and was used to collect and analyze training effectiveness of ship units through semi-constructed interview with selected interviewees. Analysis from the research shows that learning and teaching attitudes do impact the effectiveness. Teaching attitude also influence learning attitude as well as teaching attitude(method) indirectly affect the effectiveness based on learning attitude. In addition, based on the content provided by the interviewees, in compassions of their basic information, it is discovered that their abilities to absorb the learning content differ depending on their seniority and rank. Therefore, some recommendations have been proposed as a reference for planning and implementation of Navy training and education.


Wager, W. (2003)。闡明學習成效-傳達您對學生的期望:台灣高等教育部分主題探討。通識教育季刊,10(3&4),101-114。
