  • 學位論文


Discussion on Organizational System of Military Investment Plan under Organizational Change - Taking Marine Corps as an Example

指導教授 : 吳昭彥


一個國家的強盛關係到政治、經濟、國防發展是息息相關的,因此,國防預算編列支出是不可避免的,藉以國內產能自製研發與國外先進裝備採購獲得,才能確保國家領土、領海、領空及人民不受周邊任何國家軍事武力威脅與侵犯,而維持國家軍隊戰力的維繫,除平時務實的訓練外,仍須仰賴國、內外先進武器系統裝備研發與採購獲得及現有武器裝備持續妥善性能,培養與招募高素質的人力,以上均缺一不可;才能有效提升各軍種聯合戰力,使我國周邊對我有潛在不軌企圖國家達到嚇阻力量。 國軍近20餘年來,歷經國防部組織變革(Organizational Change),於民國86年7月起至90年1月實施「國軍軍事組織及兵力調整規劃」,稱為「精實案」其中陸戰隊原兵力及組織為2.3萬人在歷經「精進案」及「精粹案」等階段精簡至9千餘人,在整體大環境體制下相關軍事投資建案預算頻頻遭其他軍種排擠而無法如期獲得所需裝備,又因本身計畫採購裝備承辦人員專業素養不足與職務調整異動等窒礙問題,更是影響整體軍事投資建案作業期程,導致無法如期如質獲得裝備提升整體戰力,因此,就以陸戰隊本身軍事投資建案組織制度實務上值得探討的課題,但有關軍事組織制度相關資料實屬敏感,不如外面企業公司可獲得大量相關資訊提供研究,且無法加以公開研究探討,相關研究及實證應用缺乏顯著成效,實務方法和模擬工具亦皆如闕如。 本研究嘗試以「企業再造」理論(BPR;Business Processes Reengineering),來探討陸戰隊軍事投資建案組織制度,今以組織變革下之再造為架構,佐以陸戰隊軍事投資建案組織制度和觀念模式來探討,主要目的是經由「企業再造」理論,在原國防部軍事建案流程體系架構內,以周延陸戰隊建案組織制度,減少因組織制度不完善而產生因人為經驗不足後續建案作業相關錯誤,以提供未來軍事投資建案組織制度之參考。經研究結果顯示,現行軍事投資建案作業程序,以追求預算效益最大之建案作業模式,若能調整為以最大作戰效益為優先目標,則整體建案效益將顯著提升;另建案專業人才培訓與經管納入管制,且研究結果亦證明,若組織完善且有制度規劃建案專業人才,其整體軍事投資建案效益將大幅提升裝備獲得成效,換言之,組織與制度的建立與平衡發展才是整體國防武力增進之關鍵。


Strong defense relationship to the political and economic development of the country are closely related, therefore , the defense budget expenditures is inevitable , in order to self- development and domestic production of advanced foreign equipment procurement to obtain , in order to ensure that the people , territory, territorial waters , airspace in from the surrounding military threat to any country and the maintenance of the national army to maintain combat power , in addition to lean staff training, still rely on advanced weapons systems and equipment procurement to secure properly the existing weapons and equipment performance and continuous and high-quality manpower , more three caught indispensable ; the services in order to effectively enhance joint fighting force , I have to make our neighboring countries to achieve deterrence potential ill intentions . Over the past decade, the Department of Defense Corps in response to organizational change (Organizational Change), although troops were greatly streamline the organization and cut down and merge, and in the defense budget with limited resources, and still strive for related equipment procurement to obtain, and then in the defense budget other services under limited military still being squeezed investment budget, plus Corps operational requirements characteristic factors considered, the case led to the construction and equipment purchase plans are often unable to effectively address the lack of professionalism of the staff members handling itself and position adjustment, etc. stifle movement problems affect the overall military invest in the text of the job process delays, leading to not work as expected, such as access to equipment to enhance the overall quality of combat power, so it is sensitive information about military organization, as corporate information outside the company for research, can not be disclosed due to investigate study, research and the lack of significant empirical application performance, practice methods and simulation tools such as Beijing and Taipei lacking, the present study attempts to take advantage of "reengineering" theory (BPR; business processes reengineering), re-examine the case of the military to invest in building processes, in this case the military to invest in building processes the reconstruction of architecture, accompanied by Marine military investment program to build text mode processes and ideas to explore, via the main purpose is "reengineering" theory, in order to build the case undistributed operating procedures and project planning and training, to enhance the construction case count painting job performance, reduce human error inexperienced generate subsequent relevant, to provide a reference case military operations to invest in building . The study showed that the existing military construction investment case operating procedures , in pursuit of maximum benefit budget building work mode of operation, if adjusted to the maximum operational efficiency as a priority target, the whole construction will significantly enhance the effectiveness of the case ; the other professionals in the construction case training and administered by the inclusion control, and the results also show that , if there is a system of long-term training of professionals planning to build the case , which will enhance the overall effectiveness of the equipment to build the case to get results, if carefully and evenly to both categories of weapons and equipment resource, budget obtain minimal risk and benefit overall building work is the best , in other words , force is the key to the overall promotion of balanced development of the national.


